Another New Student Time

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"Man, it's pouring buckets out there." I said to my brother.

"Hm? Oh yeah, definitely," Gakushuu answered as he slid on his shoes.

"Welp. Let's get going I guess." I motioned for the door after I grabbed my umbrella.

"Alright class,time for home room." Our teacher stated as he entered the room, we all started in bewilderment.

"Um, Koro Senei, why is your head approximately 33 percent bigger?" Ritsu asked.

"It's soaked up a lot of moisture thanks to this humidity." He exclaimed. He's like uncooked rice. After he finally was able to squeeze a whole pale full of water out of his noggin, we began with class. "I believe Karasuma told you about the new transfer student coming in." Korosensei stated as he looked over our class.

"Yeah, probably another assassin." Someone mentioned.

"Yes, I wasn't wise to take Ritsu lightly last time. I won't make that mistake again." Koro Sensei exclaimed, making Ritsu laugh. "In any case, it'll be nice to have a new student." Our target exclaimed.

"So, Ritsu, have you heard anything?" Hara asked, looking behind her. "You know as a fellow transfer student and assassin." She exclaims.

"Yes, a little bit. Originally he and I were supposed to be introduced together, I was supposed to handle long ranged attacks and he, close range combat. Together we would drive Koro Sensei into a corner. But that got called off for 2 reasons." The robotic girl exclaimed.

"Really, what were they?" I asked her.

"Firstly, his adjustments took longer than expected, and second, I lacked the emotional capacity to support him." Ritsu continued. "As an assassin I am overwhelmingly inferior to him." Seriously? What is this guy going to be, if Ritsu is an underling to him, he must be like a superhuman. We all turned to the door being slid open, there stood a man dressed in all white. He can't be the new student right? As we were all confused, the man held up his arm and with a plume of smoke, a dove appeared in his hand.

"Sorry for frightening you. I am not the new student. I'm his guardian. You all can call me Shiro." He exclaimed, placing the dove back in a cage before looking over our class. Wait, where did Koro Sensei go? I looked around the classroom searching for our missing teacher. This dude scared him enough to liquify!

"Koro Sensei you scaredy cat!" Someone shouted as I sighed, looking back at the unfamiliar man in our mists.

"Well, Ritsu was telling scary stories!" Koro Sensei defended. Well he's not wrong. "It's a pleasure to meet you Shiro, where is our new student?" Koro Sensei asked as he solidified again.

"It's a pleasure, Koro Sensei. He's a rather unique child, in personality and otherwise. I'll introduce him myself." The man paused and looked around the class,

"Yes?" Koro Sensei asked as Shiro paused his steps.

"Oh just.. You've got good kids here. I'm sure he'll fit right in. Now to introduce him: hey, Itona," Shiro yells as we all tensely look toward the door, "come on in." When the door didn't open, we got briefly confused, until the wall behind me burst open, shocking many into standing positions. In walked a kid, no taller than Kayano, with spiky white hair that went every which way, yellow eyes and not dressed in normal school attire. Calmly he took a seat in between Karma and Terasaka.

"I won, I proved I am stronger than the wall. " He exclaimed, staring at his desk.

"Use the damn door next time!" My classmates yelled as I sat there in a daze. What is his deal? "That's all that matters. That's all." The new kid exclaimed. I looked to Koro Sensei for some kind of answer and I got one. I guess he doesn't even know how to feel about this.

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