they've poisoned the water supply

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"Holy balls, I guess a heat wave came in over the weekend, huh?" I started as Gakushuu and I walked to school.

"Yes," Gakushuu said half-heartedly. I took note to ask him about that later, and set off to class. Wearing the short sleeved uniform is really a life saver. No more trying to fudge long sleeves over this fricken cast. Well I guess only 4 and a halfs weeks with it on so.

"Whew, talk about helter swelter, amiright boys and girls? Quite a heat wave we got! '' Koro sensei exclaimed, as we trekked down the mountain.

"Right, why are we hiking down the mountain again?" Sugino asked. Ritsu took over his phone.

"To swim maybe," If that's the case, I might be screwed. I thought about my binder over the fiberglass bandage on my arm. "The main campus has a pool, in the opposite direction." Ritsu pointed out tentatively. I ended up slacking behind the rest of the group, fiddling with the book I brought with me. I think I need to add spf to my morning routine.

"Alright class, feast your eyes on this!" Koro Sensei exclaimed with a laugh. "Your very own swimming pool, compliments yours truly." Koro Sensei exclaimed, as every one hollard and shouted as they jumped in. I giggled slightly then went to sit down on one of the chairs, where I found Hazama. Quietly I sat down so as to not disturb her and opened my book, starting at page one, reading it for about the fourth time. Koro Sensei seemed to not mind making loud noise, as a slew of whistling assaulted my ears, "Put down those books and enjoy the water you two!" Koro Sensei yelled at us before making a tone out of the whistle,

"You think he's just doing it for the heck of it?" I mutter to the girl sitting next to me.

"Who knows." She answered in her usual bored tone.

"Eek!" We heard and looked around to the pool, seeing Koro Sensei shriveled in his seat.

"Did he just shriek like a little girl?" Nakamura asked as Karma began to shake the bottom of the lifeguard post. Koro Sensei soon just jumped out of the stand, making sure to land on the solid ground.

"Are you okay?" Isogai asked, making me turn to his voice. God he's cute. I smiled. Quickly looking away as Koro Sensei began to talk.

"Yes! Don't read too much into it, I just don't feel like taking a dip at the moment. It's totally not that water makes my tentacles swell!" Did he just.. I heaved a heavy sigh before turning back to my book.

The next few days we didn't visit the pool and classes went by normally. Well, except Terasaka, he's acting more unusual than normal.

"That is awesome! Holy crap you even got the flare sides right!" Yoshida yelled out as Koro Sensei showed off his wooden version of a motorcycle.

"The hell you on about?" Terasaka asked as he entered the classroom.

"Oh, hey Terasaka, so you know how we thought I was the only one here in to bikes and stuff? Well turns out Koro Sensei knows just as much as I do about them." Yoshida exclaimed.

"I may be an adult but I will never outgrow the need for speed." Koro Sensei exclaimed, I don't think that that's just a childs thing. "I've dabbled in many manly hobbies like this for years. Did you know that this particular model can reach over 300 kilometers per mile? What I wouldn't give to burn rubber on the real article!" Koro Sensei exclaimed, posing with the bike.

"He really gets into this stuff." I muttered.

"Are you kidding? You could get this puppy to mach 20 without even trying!" Yoshida exclaimed. Terasaka got angrier, making him push down the model.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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