Takaoka Time

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I've been exempt from gym, but wanting to keep up with my classmate, I push on, mostly letting my right arm act more as a balance keeper than anything else. 

"Keep your eyes on your target, right don't let yourself be distracted. If you can't predict his moves, you can't fully counter his evasive maneuvers." Karasuma shouted as we all spared.

As I sparred with Okano, it was like a battle of who could do better tricks to evade than knife training. I jabbed my knife towards her, nearly grazing her neck, as she nearly got me in the thigh. We both backed away, bouncing off the dirty ground with our hands, though I only had one hand to round off with, which was also holding my knife. We all collectively stop to look towards Mr. Karasuma standing in a defensive position over Nagisa lying on the floor. After some groaning, Nagisa sat up,

"Ouch." Mr. Karasuma seemed to have realized what happened and apologized.

"Sorry, that block was a little over the top." He lent a hand down to the winded boy.

"I'm good, no worries." Nagisa reassured.

"Eyes on the target, you gotta see stuff like that coming." Sugino commented. As the bell rang for us to go on break, Mr. Karasuma walked away from our group, leaving many to wonder if they'll ever be able to hit the guy. Kurahashi ran up to him, asking if he would like to grab sweets with herself and the other girls after school, but he declined. He's so straightforward and he never strays off path. I guess that's what you can expect from the Mister Ministry of defense. Sensing a new presence sitting in the air, my eyes follow the path up the stairs to a man with dark hair and eyes, carrying a couple of different sized cases and bags.

"Hey, hey Karasuma!" The man greeted our P.e teacher.

"Takaoka?" Karasuma stated. "Yo! My name is Akira Takaoka, and I'm here to help out your teachers, pleased to meetcha' gang!" He greeted us loudly after he got to the bottom of the stairs.

"So, what do ya say? Ready to have some fun?" He questioned us. I have a bad feeling about him.

As we all marveled at the amount of sweets in front of us, I couldn't help but notice Koro Sensei, grubbing around. "Um, these look sorta pricey sir are you sure?" Isogai asked from next to me.

"Yeah! Chow down kiddos, I didn't buy them just to stare at them all day." Takaoka stated.

"You really know your way around brand named sweets dontcha'? Nice!" Yada exclaimed.

"Trust me, when it comes to the good stuff, it's love." The man stated, licking his lips.

"So you're going to take over p.e to help Mr.Karasuma get caught up?" Nagisa asked. If the guy was loading up work, why did he take us on for extra p.e at the end of the day? I examined the treats and set my eyes on a macaroon.

"Hey, Isogai can you grab that for me?" I asked the boy quietly.

"Oh sure, how's your arm doing by the way?" He asked me as I gently took the treat from his hands.

"Oh, I'm getting used to it, but I can tell it's not going to be better anytime soon." I smiled at him to sugar coat what I just said.

"Poor guy needs some time to himself. Ah, you must be Koro Sensei, please help yourself, wouldn't want to kill you on an empty stomach." The new teacher exclaimed with a laugh.

"You know sir, for being colleagues, you and Karasuma are nothing alike." Kimura stated.

"He's nice to us and all but you're like the neighborhood dad!" Hara stated. What neighborhoods did these people grow up in?

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