Chapter- 12

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Mythili's POV -

The meeting went on for a long time and by the time things were finalised, it was about five in the evening after which, we went to the canteen for a while where I decided to tell my friends.

" Okay guys. Please don't react but I have to tell you all something. Promise you'll stay cool." I asked them as we were standing around the round table which our coffee cups in front of us.

" Okayy....what is with this suspense?" Amrita asked, lazily.

" I am getting married after Diwali." I whispered to them.

" You what?" Hritik, of course went crazy as he almost shouted and the people around looked at us.

" Classic Hritik, real classic." I smiled at him sarcastically as we let everyone look away first before I started talking again.

" What is the hurry?" Viraj asked.

" The details, even I don't know but Malini aunty really wants that and anyway, one day or the other, I would have to marry Mr. Rathore. If doing it sooner makes aunty happy, then I'll do it." I whispered back, not exactly indulging the details with them because that was not something their family want to be talked about, specially Malini aunty.

" But are you sure? Do you want to marry so soon?" Amrita asked again, stepping closer to me.

" Amu it doesn't really matter what I want in my case. Had it been my parent's wish, they would have married me off two years ago. Thank god I somehow put it in their mind that marrying me so soon would reflect that they just wanted to get rid of me and somehow my trick worked. The other day my father hit me because I went out. Malini aunty has already done so much for me and if she wants this, I will do this." I told her the whole truth and she nodded her head in understanding.

" You know we are always here for you, right?" Hritik came and pulled me in for a side hug with his hand around my shoulder.

" I know, you people." I replied, giving them a smile as we just stood there together for a while.

" We should get going now. They'll be closing soon." Viraj said and we looked around. He was right. People were leaving.

We collected our bags. While these three went to the parking, I made way towards the main gate and true to his words, his car was right there. HOW!?

I went and sat in as he looked at me and I, towards him.

" How did you find out that I would be done by 5?" I asked him just as soon. I had to know!

" I am a trustee." He replied as he started to drive. Well, thank makes sense. He must have called up the dean for all I could know but since when did he appoint himself as my driver? It wasn't as if his house and my college were very close. It was so difficult to understand him!!

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