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Guys, I am here to inform you all once again that I am not a full time writer, just a student who enjoys writing.

That is literally it.

I dunno how many of you can relate with it, but college going students don't have a fixed schedule most of the times. You get random assignments, projects, presentations and for law students, mock trials and internships, added.

I know you enjoy reading the book and I love you all for that but I cannot commit to a schedule in a thousand years for now.

Also, the targets I keep does not mean that the moment you all achieve it, I will immediately publish the next chapter.

It takes five minutes to read a chapters and about at least five hours to analyse, visualise, type and publish one.

As a student, I don't get the luxury of five hours on a very frequent basis.

The target also does not mean that it is a favour that is being bestowed upon me as a few of you like to point out. I only ask for what I think I deserve and nothing more.

Hope you all understand this.

That said, I, once again, am approaching a few college commitments and perhaps won't be update much this month. Most definitely not more than a chapter or two.

But I do have about five draft chapters of my latest book, Broken, typed out and will have to publish those words to meet the target for this month instead of writing the current ones.

Now I know most of you understand and support me but those who don't I am sorry but there is nothing I can do about that.

Thank you.

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