Chapter- 14

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Mythili's POV -

The visit to the temple was uneventful. We prayed and then the Panditji did a small puja before coming back and later, I got to sleep for an hour again but the next time that I woke up, it was because of Amrita who had shook me so violently that for a moment I felt that there was an earthquake!

" Get up bro! You need to start getting ready. Your engagement starts in like two hours!" She went on as I opened my eyes and eventually threw myself out of the bed. She was all ready herself in a beautiful green embroidered suit with a heavy phulkari dupatta.

I then went on to wash my face and then she started to help me getting ready. I had practically begged Malini aunty to not call any make up artist for the functions and thankfully, she had obliged but what I forgot was that I had a personal self-appointed one in the form of Amu.

She made me sit in front of the mirror for god knows how much time and then occasionally went on to scold me too for being fidgety.

" Do you think my parents will come?" I couldn't help myself from asking her and her hands froze mid air.

" Do you want them to?" She asked back after recollecting herself.

" I don't know Amu. I mean those guys are my parents after all but then again, I was never their family. I don't know if I want them to be there or I want them to stay away. I know that I am such a confused person but this is a bit frustrating." I confessed in front of her, standing up from the chair.

" Mythili you are allowed to feel that way. You are allowed to feel anything that you do but personally, I will be glad if those humans are nowhere around you. They only bring negativity and hatred along with them, nothing else. I know this is not how a girl exactly imagines getting married but who are we kidding? When does what we want even happen? It is life and it sucks half the time but the other half, miracles do happen. Maybe this is all a miracle in waiting for you. I see how Shivaay's mother talk to you. She likes you and maybe this all is the best for you. Move on girl. Forget those people who treated you like shit when what you deserved was the world, okay?" She embraced me in a hug.

" I love you." I couldn't help the lone tear that escaped my left eye.

" Love you too and for god's sake stop crying! You'll ruin your mascara!" She exclaimed as she made me sit once again to fix whatever she saw bad.

" All done." She kept the brush back in the vanity and looked at me.

" Perfect. Now the hair." She was just talking to herself at this point and I rolled my eyes but let her do whatever she wanted.

Soon enough, she was done with that too and I went to change into the dress that Anamika and Aunty had selected for me. It was a peach coloured lehenga.

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