Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 Interstellar Holographic Game (2)

"Interstellar is about to start the game's internal test, and we will usher in the most luxurious and dreamy lineup in history. I wonder if the audience is ready? Hello, everyone, I'm the game's host, Shang Mo." A handsome and cheap smile The man appears in front of the camera.

At this moment in front of the star network, there are countless females waiting early, and when the game starts, the dense messages are swiped quickly.

[It's Shang Mo, the super boss in the game industry! Are you going to host the game? The Empire and the Federation are awesome. 】

【I want to see Yuko, Yuko! Didn't you say that ten males were invited to the internal test? ]

[Envy, I also want to participate in the closed beta]

[Don't talk big if you don't have enough strength, be careful of being abused badly]

[Have the game started yet? I'm so impatient to wait...] The

camera flickered and moved to the game lobby. Shang Mo smiled: "Now, 100 contestants are entering the arena, wow! Who is this? It seems that our contestants today are all very good." The

camera moved to a man with a bold smile. The miniature camera flew over and greeted the audience kindly.

[Ah, ah, is it the A-level fire-type ability user White Wolf? I love his fights live! 】

【I didn't expect him to come to participate in the internal test! ]

A figure in the distance flashed past the camera, and the audience only had time to glimpse a suffocating long blonde hair.

[Um....Did I read it wrong? 】

【That seems to be the prince of the empire, Lorre】

【How did he come? 】

【Why, if you allow people from your federation to participate, you won't allow people from the empire to participate? The game is not only developed by you.] The

Imperial people interjected, and the people of the Federation can't be cowardly. In order to prevent these over-energized females on the Internet from making a fuss, the camera hurriedly moved to the second floor.

The corridor is very open, and the doors of the rooms on the side of the corridor are tightly closed.

This is? The females watching in front of the screen couldn't help holding their breath. Are these the rooms of the males?

As if to verify the audience's conjecture, the next second, the small camera jumped into a room, and the male on the sofa was packing his clothes and didn't find it.

The message area exploded--

[Ah, ah, it's Yuko! I really saw Yuko. 】

【This is Chi Yu! I'm his fan, he cooks live on a platform, and the food he cooks is super delicious! ! 】

Imperial people? The people of the Federation couldn't help but feel sour. Chi Yu revived many dishes that were lost in the ancient world. Even their Federation has heard of their reputation, and I heard that they have a very gentle personality.

Why don't they have such a little angel in the federation?

Suddenly, a female walked in. She looked good, but the wicked smile on her face was very damaging. Seeing him, Chi Yu frowned deeply: "Qi Shi, why are you? What are you doing here?"

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