3 episode

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Juju: Hey, where are you? No surprise awaits!
Emily: Yes, I'm coming, I'm coming!
Juju: Almost there!.. You can open your eyes!
Juju: Do you agree, Emiline, from now on and forever and ever to be my wife!
Emily: Oh my god... It's so cute... Of course I agree!!!
JUJU: Let's go inside! A romantic dinner is already waiting for us there!
Juju: How do you like this wedding dress?
Emily: Well, you know that the groom should not see the bride's dress before the wedding!
JUJU: Okay! That's it! I'm not interrupting!
Emily: Juju, listen! You are very good! But we have to break up!
                                3 series
Nidal: Meet my sister Jiji!
Jiji: Hi!
JORDAN: Well, what's the point?
Salish: Well, Dad, you said yourself that you need a manager, but you don't have money! There's an intern standing in front of you!
Jiji: Yes, like I want to become a manager!
Jordan: But I need a manager who is at least 21, and she is not even 14!!!
Nidal: This is YouTube! There are no special rules here! So get acquainted, and Salish and I went!
Jordan: So, you're our manager, then?
Jiji: Yes! Let's not delay, let's go straight to the salary! I want to receive at least 2 thousand dollars!
Jordan: B*tch...
Juju: Throws drugs*
Jess: Coming in* Are you at it again?!
Juju: F*ck off, Mom!
Jess: You have to fight for love, not like you go on a binge!
Juju: What do you even understand?!
Jess: I understand you more! After all, I live longer in this world!
Juju: She has another one... He's better at everything than me...
JESS: And who is it?
Juju: Sydney Preston!
Jess: It's still not a reason to cry into your pillow!
Juju: I'm off!
Jess: Where to?
Juju: I want to get drunk! I won't be back soon!
Jiji: In short, such an offer has been received! What if you, along with Nalish...
Jiji: Okay! So, what if you go to "Anthony Street" it's not far here!
Jordan: I know! What have we forgotten there?
Jiji: The Coca-Cola Festival is taking place there! Shoot a video about it and they will pay us!
Jordan: In general, the offer is tempting, but I need to know exactly who "they" are?
Jiji: I've already found out everything! The Coca-Cola company itself! Let's go! It will be cool!
Jordan: Okay, we can try!
Juju: Drinking alcohol*
Ben: Don't worry so much about some chick! It will hurt and pass!
Juju: I don't understand! It was still good! Like in a fairy tale! What didn't she like?!
Ben: Yes, she liked everything! She just saw a bunch of money that Sydney gets! Survive it and that's it!
Juju: It turns out that every chick will leave me when she sees someone cooler?!
Ben: No! Not all girls are like that! I didn't mean that...
Juju: I got it! All women are whores!
Woman: What did you call us there?! Repeat it!
Juju: Easily! All chicks - I send ...
Woman: Gives bream*
Juju: Falling*
Ben: Wow... Does it hurt, probably?
Juju: It's fine! Come on, let's write on the fence that all women are whores!
Man: Oh, you're the guy from "Dancers Among Us"!
JORDAN: Yes, it's me! Skip it!
Man: Oh! What a charming Nalish!
Jordan: SHUT UP!!!
Man: Got it... Come...
Kem: Oh! Jordan! How many years, how many winters! I saw your YouTube channel! Did you follow my advice after all?
Jordan: Did you fuck my wife?!
Kem: What, I'm sorry?
Jordan: Are you fucking with Chris?!
Kem: Well... hmm.... A little bit...
Jordan: I see I've settled in well here! You don't miss the agency much!
Salish: Dad, let's go!
Jordan: Don't get into adult conversations!
Jiji: Salish is right! Let's go!
JORDAN: Shut up!
Kem: Jordan... look, I'm sorry... I had a little too much that night... Chris also came to me for advice... I explained to her that you generally like, well, what kind of grub, cafes, music... And somehow it all turned out like this...
Jordan: I don't want to hear any more!
Kem: Forgive me, you know how I am when I drink...
Jordan: You're a f*cker not only when you drink, but generally always!
Nidal: Wow! This is a house made of Coca-Cola bottles!
Salish: And there's a Coca-Cola fountain!
Kem: Well, at least the kids like it here...
Jordan: We actually came here to shoot a video!
Jiji: We'll make it! The guys are unloading the equipment anyway! There are Coca-Cola machines and there are all tastes, even exclusive and gone from the market! And you can drink as much as you want for free!
Jordan: Kids...
Juju: ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES!!! Draws on the walls*
Ben: Don't yell about it to the whole of Hollywood!
Juju: And I don't give ass! What I want, I do!
Ben: Let's go home, you need to rest!
JUJU: No! I want to have fun! Hey! Hey, you're a complete fool!
The old woman: Is that you for me?
Juju: Do you see another finished fool here?!
The old woman: I would ask...
Juju: You know what?
The old woman: What?
Juju: You're a whore!!!
The old woman: Just like you...
Ben: Please forgive him, his girlfriend left him! Juju! Stop! Stop it!
Juju: Quiet! Look who we have there!
Emily and Sydney: Kissing*
JUJU: Hey! Hi! And what are we doing here?! Are we f*cking?!
Ben: Wait! No need!
Emily: Juju? Azelart? What are you doing here?!
Sydney: Hi, suckers!
JUJU: Shut up, Preston! Well, what, a whore, has achieved a huge pocket?!
Emily: Juju! I don't recognize you!
Sydney: Did you call my girlfriend a whore?!! Faggot f*ck!!!
Juju: And you are a naughty b*stard! Have you turned 18?!
Sydney: Hey, Azelart, calm down your boyfriend before I get mad!!!
Ben: Juju! Let's go already!
Juju: Go f*ck yourself! Why are you silent, Emily?!
Emily: I want you to know! I didn't leave you because I don't like you or because Sydney has a big pocket...
Juju: I already know why you did it! Because you're the f*cking last one and you wanted to jump on someone else's f*ck!
SYDNEY: That's it! You made a deal! Attacks Juju*
Juju: Knocks out Sydney* Lie down for now!
Ben: Juju! Let's go!
Security: Running up* What's going on here?!!
JUJU: Come on! Come at me!
Security: Knocks down Juju*
Ben and Emily: Watching*
JORDAN: Well? Is everyone ready? Cough-cough! Today my daughter Salish and her best...
People: Wow! It's Nalish! Can I have an aftograph?
Operator 1: Why did he stop talking?
Operator 2: Someone said Nalish... The execution will be...
Thomas Sangster: I've been drinking Coca-Cola since I was born and this...
Jordan: Coming up on stage * F*ck off! A moment of attention! Come here, everyone! Yes, that's it! My daughter is only 11! This is the only reason why she still doesn't jump on members! And I won't let you seduce her! I'm creating a new hashtag! #No Nalish! I'm not just asking, I'm ordering you to put it up! And only him! Nidal and Salish are just friends! Is it clear to everyone?! Do you think you can just take a ride on the kids?! And no one will drive over you?!
Jiji: Let's get out of here, Jordan!
Salish: Dad, don't!
Nidal: Jordan, that's enough!
Jordan: Get out! Here you are! Yes, yes, you! Do you think you put on expensive jewelry and no one will know that you pumped on them?! And you? Like all in the Gucci, right? Do you think no one will understand that this is singed? And you? I came in a Tesla and I'm kind of cool in nature? And his wife beats him at home! You can't hide bruises under powder! We can take a ride on all of you! Stop Nalish!!! I hope everyone understands me!
Everyone: Leaving*
Jordan: So get out!
Steven Spielberg: Excuse me, can you tell me where your toilet is?
Nidal: Straight down the corridor and to the right!
Steven Spielberg: Thank you. And where did everyone go so abruptly?
Jordan: Let me guess: I'm f*cked up and everyone hates me?!
Salish: Let's go home...
Juju: Opens his eyes* Where am I?
Cop: In the monkey house!
Juju: Holy shit! Comes to the grate* Hey, Commander! This is some kind of mistake! I'm a blogger, you probably know me!
Cop: We know and love! But when it comes to Sidney Preston, whose nose you smashed, then we hate you!
Juju: Inspecting the camera * Well, an evening in the hut, so to speak...
                      END OF EPISODE 3.

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