7 episode

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Juju: Lying on the couch*
Nishan: Coming in* Juju! Hi!
Juju: Nishan!!! Are you back? I thought you'd be gone for another month!
Nishan: Did you miss your older brother?
Juju: Missed...
Nishan: And where are the small ones?
Juju: There is no Nidal or Jiji! Don't know, where are they! Well, you come in... And where's Dad?
Nishan: Dad?
Nishan and Jojo: Climbing the mountain*
Jojo: Son! How are you there?
Nishan: I'm climbing, but there's a very strong snowstorm!
Jojo: Be patient! There's not much left! Breaks down* Falling* AAAAA!!!
Nishan: I don't even know how to say it...
                           Episode 7
Knock knock knock
Hudson: Opens * Salish? What are you doing here?
Salish: Can I come in?
Hudson: Well...
girl: Hudson, who's there? Ltd... I didn't know you were into little girls!
Hudson: This is my sister, you fool! So, get the f*ck out of here!
Girl: Call me! I'll fly in and suck you in...
Hudson: Don't pay attention, come on in! A whore, she's a whore in Africa too! Fools! What's the matter with you?
Salish: I can stay with you for a while, if it doesn't bother you, of course!
Hudson: Why did you leave Dad? And where is he anyway?
Salish: I don't want to talk about it...
HUDSON: Okay... I'll call him, if you don't mind?
Salish: Do what you want!
Hudson: Calling* The answering machine... Strange...
Jordan: Lorin is being reprimanded*
Kem: Comes in* I brought Starbucks! Who will be? There are strawberries, there is caramel!
Jordan: By the way, your boyfriend cheated on you with my ex!
Lorin: I know! He tells me everything! I forgave him! As they say, you have to cheat on each other once to check how much you love each other! And he's not my boyfriend, we're going to have a wedding!
Jordan: Uh... Congratulations... I think I need something stronger than Starbucks!
Kem: Understood! Pours cognac*
Jordan: Thank you! Drinking* And last night I... I almost f*cked a little girl... I don't know what I was thinking... Probably nothing at all... my daughter hates me for it now! Everyone I love hates me! Have I ever hurt everyone one way or another! But I... I do not know what to do with it...
Lorin: Do you mind if I write it all down in your memoirs?
JORDAN: No... And what should I do now?!! I'm going for a walk!
Lorin: I don't advise you to walk in this state!
Jordan: I do a lot of things that I'm "not advised" to do, so... Takes the bottle* So I'm off!
Nidal: Coming in* Is Jiji at home?
Juju: No, we thought she was with you!
Nidal: Wow! Nishan! Are you back?
Nishan: Hello, little one! In general, I don't even know how to tell you...
Nidal: If Jiji is not at home, then where is she?!
Juju: Really! We must look! She's not answering her phone! Did anything happen there, by any chance?
Nidal: We have?... No, not at all!
Hudson: Did Father do something again?
Salish: Yes!
Hudson: You see, our dad sometimes does things that make everyone hate him! Even he hates himself! But there's nothing he can do about it! After that, he goes on a binge! And this is repeated from year to year!
Salish: Yes, but usually it's just some misdemeanors, but today... he... He's a little... He almost raped my girlfriend...
Hedson: What?! Wait, what friend?!
Salish: Nidal's sister...
Hedson: Get ready! Let's go find out!
JESS: Boys, where are you going?
Nishan: Mom, later!
Jess: Nishan! Are you back?!
JUJU: Yes, later!
JESS: Where's Jojo?
Jordan: Walks across the bridge * Spits into the river * Looks down*
Hudson and Salish: Going*
Nishan, Juju and Nidal: They 're coming too*
Jordan: Jumping off a bridge*
Lorin: Well, where is he?! I'm worried about something!
Kem: Calm down! Everything will be fine! He's probably gone home or will be back soon!
Lorin: Let's go check it out!
Kem: Well, is he a child or something?
Lorin: Child or not, but as a psychologist I can say that such a toxic person can do anything! So let's go check it out!
By whom: Okay! Inspecting an empty brandy bottle * Johnny Walker! I should have given him a cheaper cognac...
Hudson and Salish: Come in*
Salish: Well, what do you want to prove by this?
Hudson: I don't know! That's where he is?! Why isn't he at home?! Hey! Dad!
Juju: Hi! Do you have Jiji?
HUDSON: Hi! No! Oh! Nishan! Have you returned from the Himalayas yet? Where's Jojo?
Nishan: Everything later!
Nidal: I told you right away that she wasn't here!
Lorin and Kem: Come in * Jordan is here?
Nishan: And who are you?
Salish: This is Dad's writer! He's not at home!
Juju: Where is Jiji??
Lorin: After what happened, I can't even imagine where she is!
Nishan: What happened?
Hudson: Don't you know?
Salish: And how do you know?
Kem: Jordan was with us 45 minutes ago!
Juju: So, explain what you're talking about!!!
Nidal: Shortly.. Brothers... When I said that nothing happened, I lied a little... In short, Jordan... He's...
Salish: Wait, what was he doing at your place 45 minutes ago??
Lorin: He came to me to talk! And then he got drunk and left...
Phone: Ringing*
Everyone: Bustling* Who has it?
Salish: QUIET! IT'S JIJI!!!
Jordan: Lying on the side of the yacht* Damn... I f*cked up with my head...
Man: Well, are you completely f*cked up?!! What are you doing?! And if you died right now on my yacht?!
Jordan: That's what I wanted...
man: Die anywhere! Not on my yacht! I don't want to be responsible for you!
Jordan: Going ashore * I'm going home...
Salish: Jiji! Where are you?
Jiji: Am I? Looking around* Well, like at a gay pride parade...
Salish: What are you doing there?!
JIJI: I don't know... That incident with your father made me rethink my life! Maybe all men are assholes and I'm on girls?
Salish: Uh... Are you sure about this?
JIJI: I don't know yet... But anyway, just in case, I bought a rainbow flag!
Salish: Aren't you going home?
JIJI: Not yet!
Salish: But they're waiting for you there! Nishan from the Himalayas is back! Your dad probably also...
Nishan: So, I f*cked up!!! DAD DIED, IS IT CLEAR TO EVERYONE?!!
Everyone: Look at each other*
Jordan: Coming in* What kind of gathering? Okay, I won't bother you, I'm going to bed... As soon as the fight is over, please close the door! Anti-terrorist operation of thieves has not been canceled! Leaves*
Salish: Jiji? Are you in touch there?
Jiji: How did he die?
                  END OF EPISODE 7.

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