6 episode

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Royalty Family: F*ck Off*
Andrea: Is there anything you can do without me?!
Ali: Actually, a lot of things! This is the house! That's the f*cking house I built! Almost with my own hands!!! I designed it too!!! Who nailed this shelf?! You?! No, I nailed her!!!
Andrea: Yes?! And then why can't you fix the chair?! We, by the way, will have a replenishment!!!
Ali: Replenishment??
Andrea: Didn't I tell you anything?
Ferran: Mom, Dad! Well, are you there? Are we going to a fashion show or what?!
                               Episode 6
Jordan: F*ck! I go out into the street and I hear one shipering! Shipping-shipping-shipping!!! They f*cked up! Isn't it already so hard to understand that Salish and Nidal are just friends?!
Jiji: Jordan! Take it easy! I think I know how to help you!
JORDAN: Well, what about it?
Jiji: If Nidal and Salish publicly say that they don't like each other, then maybe it will stop the shipers a little!
Jordan: I don't know anyone in the field of interviews!
Jiji: Actually there is! Our Uncle Ben!
JORDAN: Ah! Is this the one who finished working on television at the age of 30?!
Jiji: There was a reason for that! He was hit by a car! He's disabled now!
JORDAN: Okay! I don't want to argue! Call him when you can meet him?
Uncle Ben: Yes, even right now! Rides in a wheelchair*
Jordan: What is he doing here?
Jiji: I knew that you would agree and brought him here in advance! And by the way, he heard everything!
JORDAN: Oh... It's kind of... Creepy...
Uncle Ben: So, the first question to you, Salish! What do you think of Nidal? Do you like him?
Salish: Well, we have fun together, we get along well, but there is no such thing as me loving him right now!
Uncle Ben: The second question for you, Nidal: do you think if you were a little older - would your relationship be possible?
Nidal: Well... I don't even know...
Salish: I have to go to the toilet! I'll be quick!
Operator: Hurry up, we already have a flexible schedule!
Ali: Why didn't you say anything?!
Andrea: I was afraid that you would yell again that I had worked him up! Here are the pictures!
Ali: Is he sleeping like here?
Andrea: She! It's a girl!
Ali: Did the doctor say something?
Andrea: No! It's still too early! I just feel like it's a girl!
Ferran: It's all cool, but we're like not going anywhere anymore?!
Ali: Embraces Ferran* I understand, son! To survive the fact that a new child will fall on mom's fragile shoulders is hard! But we are with you! And believe me, you will be loved no less!
Ferran: I don't really care! I'm more worried that the king of children's fashion will not show new sketches today!
Ali: And yes?
Andrea: What time is it?
Ferran: I looked, we don't have time anymore!
Ali: Well.... But you have a sister now!
Salish: Fits*
Operator: Well, I asked you to hurry up!
Salish: Get off me! Nidal! Look who I found!
Nidal: I mean?
Patrick: Bursts in* We have our own super project!!!
NIDAL: What?
Salish: In short, I go to the toilet and realize that there is a stall there, and to urinate I need to sit down! It's bad for the butt, because there are a lot of bacteria there, and I'm a vegetarian! You know I live a healthy lifestyle!
Nidal: Maybe you can get down to business somehow?
Salish: Well, yes! So, in short, I'm like this, I go to urinate in the bushes and they say to me, oh, are you Salish Metter? And I'm like, Yes, it's me! And they're like this: we have a cool project! And I'm like this: what kind of project? And they are: We're going to start a "Rock Squad". And I'm like this: is it something to do with rock? And they're like, No, it's something like a clan. We are going to start a YouTube channel, but all the sponsors refuse us, and here we are!
Nidal: Uh... Did anyone understand what she said?
Patrick: In short, we need a certain amount of money and we are creating a clan called "Rock Squad", but it has nothing to do with rock!
Nidal: One question, what kind of clan will it be?
Dirick: Patrick, let me! I'm 16 and I'm...
Patrick: Shut up already, Dirick! So...
Dirick: And yet, I insist!
Patrick: F*ck you!
Pija: Let me explain! Our clan consists mainly of suckers who failed to build a career on YouTube! And we need some celebrities who will support us and advertise! Do you agree?
Nidal: YOU'RE NOT SUCKERS!!! WE WILL CREATE A "ROCK SQUAD"!!!... And... Uh... Jordan's there...
Jiji: I brought us Starbucks!
Jordan: Thank you!
Jiji: And by the way, when will I get my salary already?
Jordan: Salary?.. Well... You're going to get it now... Trying to rip off Jiji's jacket*
Jiji: AAAAA!!! what are you doing?!! F*CK OFF, ASSHOLE!!!
Jordan: What are you doing? Takes off his underpants*
Gigi: AAAAAAA!!!! I'm 14!!!
Nidal and Salish: Open the door*
Nidal: Uh...
Salish: In short, yes... We'll probably close the door...
Jiji: Don't don't don't!
Jordan: Y-yes! No need! Puts on underpants* Did you want something?
Jiji: Running away*
Nidal: Gigi! What happened there?
Jiji: F*ck off!!!
Dirick: So, can you support us and advertise?
Jordan: Sitting in awareness of what happened*
Patrick: Uh... Mr. Metter?
JORDAN: Huh? What?
Pija: Will you support our project?
JORDAN: Yes... Maybe... Where can I sign here? Signed*
Dirick: Thank you! We'll go then!
Salish: Yes, wait for me there, with Nidal! Dad! And what was that just now?!
Jordan: F*ck off, Salish! Not up to you! Opens a beer*
Salish: What would have happened if we hadn't entered??
Jordan: What would have happened?! I... I do not know... Please, Salish, let me think!
Salish: How could you?!! You're not my father anymore!!! Leaves*
Ferran: Sitting in his room*
Andrea: Coming in* Ferran! Nothing is missing yet! I have agreed with the organizers and the king of children's fashion will show his sketches online! So let's go faster! Gives a computer* It will be necessary to connect soon!
Ferran: Thanks Mom!
Andrea: This is so you know that Dad and I love you and we don't give a shit about your career! Comes out*
Ali: Well, what? Are we going to fight again?
Andrea: No! Let's put it off until tomorrow!
Nidal: Salish! Where are you going?
Salish: I don't know! Somewhere! Create a channel for now!
NIDAL: Okay... Are you sure you don't need help?
Salish: NO!!! Leaves*
Patrick: Where is she going?
Nidal: So it is... To a bright future! The same place as Jiji! So, let's create a channel! What did you want to shoot there? Challenges?
Salish: Calling* Hello, Mom?
Chris: Hi, honey! Are you crying? Has Dad done something again?!
Salish: Yes! He...
Chris: What?
Salish: Nothing, so far Mom! It was a prank!
Chris: Well...
Salish: Jiji calls*
Answering machine: This is Jiji's answering machine! If I didn't answer, it means I'm either menstruating or I'm at work! Leave a message after the beep! Peep!
Salish: Hello? Jiji? We need to meet! There is a woman's conversation!
Jordan: Walks up to Lorin's house * Rings the doorbell*
Lorin: Opens * Jordan, is that you? Have you come to write a book? But it's one o'clock in the morning! It's a little late for such things, Kem and I are sleeping!
Jordan: No, I came for something else...
Lorin: Why?
Jordan: Lorin, be my psychologist!
                   END OF EPISODE 6.

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