5 episode

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Brandon: Drinking coffee* Well, the eagle! Just like my father!
Jake: Trying on a uniform* I'm ready in principle!
Rachel: Son, wait! Let's at least have breakfast!
BEATRICE: Mom, can I have porridge?
Rachel: No, daughter, it's for Jake!
Jake: Mom, I really have to go!
Brandon: Don't hold up the recruit, Rachel! He'll eat on the way!
Jake: That's it, I'm going!
RACHEL: Bye, son! Beatrice, say bye!
Biatriss: Bye!
Brandon: Come on, I'll walk you to the station!
Jake: Come on!
RACHEL: Hey, Beatrice! Why don't you eat porridge?!
                               Episode 5
Everyone: Celebrating victory*
Brandon: Running in* Is Jake back yet? Three days have already passed since we won!
Postman: Hey! A letter for you!
Brandon: I'll go and see what's in there! Reads the letter* Damn it...
Rachel: What's there?
Brandon: Our Jake... him... Gives a letter*
Rachel: Reading * AAAAAAA!!!! THAT'S A LIE!!!!
Beatrice: Mom, Dad, what happened?
Everyone: Celebrating the victory*
Rachel: Thumping* Sobbing into the pillow* It's my fault! I shouldn't have let him go there!
BRANDON: Don't blame yourself! I blame the Jews for everything! You shouldn't have angered Hitler! All right! I have to go! Work is not waiting! Who will feed an unemployed alcoholic and her daughter, if not a brave hero dad! I kiss you! Beatrice! Keep an eye on her!
Rachel: Crying even harder*
Beatrice: Mom, don't cry! Everything will be fine! I love you!
Rachel: I love you too! Let's go for a walk!
Rachel: Do you want to swing? And here is such a doll?
Biatriss: No, Mom, and so there is no money ...
Rachel: And money is no longer important!
Man: Plays the piano*
Rachel: It fits* Finishing a bottle of beer * Hey, kid! Please put mine on!
Man: Got it! Is playing*
Together: Singing "I will always think of you"*
    *I will always think of you*
All: Fit* Watching*
Man and Rachel: Stop singing*
Beatrice: Mom, can we go home?
RACHEL: No! We have won! I want to sing and have fun!!! Leave me alone! Falling*
Biatriss: Waiting*
Doctors: Coming out* They leave*
Brandon: Coming out* That's it!
BEATRICE: Dad! What did you do to Mom?!
Brandon: It's okay! Mom is so much better!
Biatriss: Runs* Mom! Mom! What have they done to you?
Rachel: Sitting insensitive* Everything is fine! Our latest medicine can do this!
Biatriss: Which one?
Rachel: They got into my brain and turned off all my senses! But it's better for me! Feelings hurt us! And now I don't feel anything! Come to me!
Beatrice: Sobbing*
Rachel: Don't cry! I'm not crying!
Lorin: Writes it down in a book* So, is Beatrice your mother?
JORDAN: Yes, she is my mother!
Lorin: Let's move on to the chapter of your childhood?
Jordan: As you understand, after that incident, Beatrice didn't grow up to be the nicest girl!
1970 year:
BEATRICE: Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Felix: Do you like it, do you like it?!
Beatrice: Kissing Tom* Wait...
Tom: What is it?
Biatriss: Bleating*
Gynecologist: Yes, it looks like you're pregnant!
Tom: I don't understand anything! We haven't f*cked yet!
Beatrice: Because the baby is not from you, idiot!
Tom: How - not from me?...
Felix: Looks at the pictures * Some nonsense! He doesn't have my nose!
Beatrice: Believe me, I haven't f*cked anyone else but you! So, are you ready to accept us?
Felix: Move in with me!
Jordan: As the years went by, I grew up! But my mother hated my father! Well, as you know, she didn't love me either! She loved someone else, and I was born of my father!
Lorin: Santa Barbara is something...
Jordan: I said right away that it's better not to start this topic!
Lorin: No, tell me more! None of my clients has ever had such a toxic past!
Jordan: Watching TV*
Felix and Biatriss: Fighting*
Felix: F*ck off, you stupid f*ck!!!
Biatriss: How many nerves I've got with you!!! I'd rather marry Tom!!! I would be happy now!!! The poet is a d*ck!!!
Lorin: Was your father a poet?
Jordan: If you can call it that, of course! The only thing he has written in his worthless life is a three-page poem about long ejaculation!
Lorin: Oh...
Beatrice: When are you going to bring at least some money into the house?! You're shitting everything in your casino!!!
Felix: You've already f*cked me up!!!
Dishes: Flying*
Felix: I'm going to f*ck some whore! Leaves*
Beatrice: Approaches Jordan * You can't watch TV for a long time! Your eyes may hurt!
JORDAN: Okay...
Beatrice: How are you?
JORDAN: I'm fine...
BEATRICE: Well, that's nice!... I've been a good mother... Leaves*
Guests: Have come*
Biatriss: Wears a white dress* Come on in! Sit down, I'll pour you some tea!
Guests: Sit down*
Beatrice: It's dance time! Dancing* Spinning*
Guests: Watching*
Felix and Jordan: Watching*
Felix: Smokes*
Biatriss: Sits down at the table*  Well, what are you? Food is on the table!
Guests: Eat*
Jordan: Mom, can I eat too?
Beatrice: Go to your room, little snotty, eat there! Don't spoil the picture!
Jordan: Goes into the room*
Beatrice and Felix: Fighting*
Jordan: Sitting alone * Clears the table * Takes an unfinished bottle of vodka* Tries* Drinks everything*
                       END OF EPISODE 5

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