chapter 8

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Y/N was out getting groceries with Sunghoon, and the atmosphere was thick. After Yeji's continuous teasing, the "siblings" found it difficult to speak one word to another without it being awkward.

"So," Y/N coughed. "The weather's nice."

"Yeah," Sunghoon awkwardly agreed. "Nice and... Sunny."



"Oppa, I can't take this anymore. Can't we just talk to each other normally?" Y/N glanced at him as he observed the condition of some oranges. He decided to put the less bruised one in their basket.

"Not after what Yeji-noona did, no," Sunghoon sighed, walking to a different aisle as he clutched the grocery list in his free hand. "She had CLEARLY ruined your innocence."

"Well, that's not my fault! She was the one who caused it, not me," Y/N huffed, grabbing some jars of various spices. "And if anything, I know you won't do that. Right?"

"Well, obviously! Consent is important, you know? I'm not going to initiate that sort of thing until she's ready." Sunghoon huffed, continuing to walk down the aisle, choosing some additional items.

"Mhm," Y/N agreed as the two continued their grocery shopping in peace.

"Alright," Sunghoon began after they finished their grocery shopping. "So we finished shopping for groceries. It says here that Appa needs sealing tape for the leak in the bathroom."

"Seriously? Can't he just have someone take care of it?" Y/N let out an exaggerated sigh. She was tired.

"You know Appa's cheap," Sunghoon put the list away. "Come on, let's go." The two of them walked to the hardware store, the cashier greeting them.

"Alright, we just have to get the tape and we can go home. Okay?" Sunghoon looked at Y/N, who just nodded tiredly in response. Y/N grabbed some tape off a shelf, handing it to Sunghoon.

"Is this the one he wanted?" Y/N asked him before she was interrupted by a notification from her phone.

k_a_z_u_h_a__, 39saku_chan, and a few others have posted.

Y/N immediately clicked on the notification upon seeing Kazuha's name, her eyes scanning the post. She immediately frowned as she watched a video of Ni-ki and Kazuha dancing together, and the next slide was a picture of them kissing.

"Y/N, come on, let's go!" Sunghoon called for her.

Heartbroken, Y/N swiped out of the app and turned off her phone, following Sunghoon out of the store and back to the Parks' apartment.

"Yeji-noona, we're back!" Sunghoon called for his sister. She came out of her and Y/N's room, greeting the two. She inspected the grocery bags, pursing her lips together.

"Hoon, you forgot my favorite snack," She sighed, disappointed.

"Eomma didn't write it down," Sunghoon scratched the back of his neck, confused. He unfolded the paper and revealed their mothers' neat handwriting, and there was no snack mentioned on the list. "See?"

"Ughhhh," Yeji trudged back to her room miserably.

"Oh, Y/N, you look so pretty!" Y/N's mother awed, taking several pictures of her daughter. Smiling shyly, she thanked the many compliments her mother gave her.

The wave of compliments ended as Ni-ki arrived at Y/N's house. Y/N's mother opened the door to reveal a well-dressed Ni-ki in a formal suit, and his hair was slicked back with gel.

"Hi, Mrs. L/N," Ni-ki smiled, acting on his best behavior in front of Y/N's mother. "Is Y/N ready to go?"

"Well, of course! Go on, then, Y/N," Her mother smiled, pushing her in Ni-ki's direction. The two of them sat in awkward silence, and they were finally left to themselves as soon as they were dropped off at the entrance of their school.

"Ugh, that was so insufferable," Ni-ki complained, intertwining his hand with Y/N's. "I didn't know what to say, sorry."

Smiling, Y/N shook her head. "It's fine."

"Well, shall we?" Ni-ki smiled, as the two entered their school, hand-in-hand. The school was decorated with various colorful streamers, and different banners that were hand-painted and hung over the walls of certain departments.

"It's so pretty!" Y/N exclaimed, admiring the decorations.

"Not as pretty as you," Ni-ki winked.

"Ew, that was so cheesy!" Y/N laughed, lightly pushing his shoulder. Ni-ki rolled his eyes, and the two continued their way through the school, finding most of the students dancing in the gymnasium.

"Come on, we should dance, Riki!" Y/N tugged on his hand and pointed at the gymnasium, with Ni-ki disagreeing.

"Maybe later," He smiled down at her. "We'll dance when they play a slow song."

"Sure," Y/N nodded. "Want to go take pictures at the photobooth, then?"

Ni-ki nodded, following his girlfriend. The two settled themselves in the cramped enclosure, shoulder-to-shoulder. Y/N and Ni-ki made various cute expressions and poses. It was the final shot, and Ni-ki pulled Y/N into a short kiss, smiling triumphantly.

"Got you," Ni-ki playfully remarked.

"That was uncalled for," Y/N complained, exiting the photobooth with Ni-ki. The couple retrieved their photos from the booth, and they continued their way through the school.

"You know, I'm kind of bored. I thought they'd have more activities than this," Ni-ki sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"What do you want to do?" Y/N turned to look at him.

"I think I have an idea." Ni-ki grabbed Y/N's wrist, leading her to the bathrooms.

"Riki? What are-"

Her train of thought was interrupted by her boyfriend, as he pinned one hand to the wall, looking down at her. He grabbed her by the chin, smiling. "Would this be more fun?"

Ni-ki slowly inched towards her lips, looking down at them, then at her eyes. Slowly, he pressed his lips against hers, keeping the pace slow. Y/N kept her arms wrapped around Ni-ki's neck, trying to match his kisses.

Ni-ki was bold enough to quicken the pace of the kiss, and even bolder to deepen it. He kissed her quite roughly, his hands traveling to her waist. He desperately kissed Y/N, wanting more as each kiss went by.

Y/N separated her lips from Ni-ki's, as she gasped for air. After regaining her composure, the two met lips again, Ni-ki pressing his temple against Y/N's. Y/N placed her hands on Ni-ki's chest, and angled her head so he could kiss her with ease.

After several minutes, the two separated, each satisfied with the result. "Now, I'd say that was more fun than dancing to boring music, right?"

Y/N chuckled, slowly nodding. "If you consider that fun, then sure."

Ni-ki took Y/N's hand, and led her to the gymnasium. Finally, they were playing a slow song. A perfect way to end their night.

Ni-ki placed his hands on Y/N's waist, and she placed hers on his shoulders. They swayed to the music, slowly turning.

"You know, I'm really glad you're my date," Ni-ki admitted. "I don't know who I'd rather spend this meaningful experience with."

"We wouldn't have been able to have 'fun', would we?" Y/N raised an eyebrow.

Chuckling, Ni-ki shook his head. "You drive me crazy, Y/N."

Y/N laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling intently, thinking about each memory she shared with Ni-ki.

Even that night in particular.

water lily - ni-ki x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now