chapter 14

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Y/N waited at the water fountain, kicking her feet playfully. She became impatient as she waited for her Japanese friend to arrive. A few seconds later, Kazuha arrived, waving at Y/N excitedly.

"Hey, Y/N-chan, you look so cute today!" Kazuha complimented her best friend, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Hi, Zuha-sama, you look so pretty," Y/N smiled brightly. "So, what do you want to do today?"

"We should just window shop, I'm not sure what I want to buy," Kazuha shrugged. "Yeji and Heeseung should be meeting up with us later, correct?"

"What? Why is Yeji with Heeseung?" Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Y/N.. You haven't heard?" Kazuha said, practically having second hand embarrassment.

"No.. Why? Did something happen between them?"

"Y/N, oh my god, they have huge crushes on each other!" Kazuha practically shouted, getting attention by passerbyers.

Y/N mentally face palmed herself, replying, "Seriously? Both of my siblings are going to become ten times more annoying," She rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come on! Don't forget about Riki," Kazuha teased the younger girl, poking her sides. "You have a crush toooooo~"

"Kazuha-sama! I haven't had a normal conversation with him without it becoming an argument in three years!"

"Oh, come on, Y/N-chan! He was basically all over you in practice," Kazuha rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

Y/N started blushing furiously, covering her face, then stuttering, "No he wasn't!"

"Hmm, I don't know," Kazuha simply shrugged. "Grabbing you by the waist? That's pretty intimate to me."

"Let's just- Can we start shopping already?" Y/N said, trying to stop her best friend from embarrassing her in public even more.

"Sure!" Kazuha grabbed her right hand, leading her to various stores. Not long after, Yeji and Heeseung greeted the two younger girls. Yeji was filled in with everything that happened two days ago and why the two Japanese girls were close again.

"Yeji-unnie, since when were you-" Y/N began her sentence, smirking.

"Shhh," Yeji laughed awkwardly, glancing between Heeseung and Y/N. "We'll talk about it later. Let's just go shopping!"

Yeji and Heeseung went toward the east side of the shopping center and the two Japanese girls walked over to the west side. Kazuha wanted to stop by the macaron store, buying every different flavor there was.

"Are you really going to eat all of them?" Y/N asked as they were leaving the store.

"Of course! I can't imagine leaving them in my fridge and not eating them. That's a disgrace to humanity if I do that!" Kazuha reasoned, opening the box of macarons already, handing one to Y/N and getting one for herself.

Y/N bit into the macaron, humming in satisfaction. "Tastes good," She remarked, turning to look at Kazuha, who had no trace of a macaron in her hand anymore.

"Wait, didn't you just grab one?" Y/N asked in confusion. "I swear I just saw it in your hand a few seconds ago."

Kazuha made various inaudible noises as she was still eating the macaron, before he finished the dessert. "It was so good! Maybe I'll have another.."

"Yeah, no," Y/N said, grabbing the bag out of Kazuha's hand, "I'll be taking this for now."

"Noooo, I paid for them!" Kazuha whined, reaching for the bag. "Y/N, come on!"

Y/N shook her head, "Come on! Let's go buy some clothes!" Y/N took Kazuha by the hand, dragging her to the store across from the macaron store, Kazuha unhappily following in suit.

"Look, Zuha-sama! Don't these pants look cute?" Y/N reached for a pair of jeans with various patterns decorated on each leg, including the hem.

"Hmm, yeah," Kazuha nodded, grabbing a different pair. "But I think this one would suit you better."

"Why don't we get these to match?" Y/N suggested, grabbing the pants.

"That'd be so cute! We should get matching tees too," Kazuha, temporarily forgetting her despair over macarons, led Y/N through the store, attempting to find a tee to complete their outfits. Y/N found a cute sweater vest to match, and Kazuha ultimately decided to get a similarly looking tee to the vest.

The two girls paid for their clothing, and entered a jewelry store, browsing through the necklaces and rings. The prices of each piece were relatively cheap, but neither of them had bought anything, and they decided to regroup with Heeseung and Yeji.

"I wonder where they went," Y/N remarked, curious. "I swear I saw them waiting outside earlier."

"Oh, there they are!" Kazuha pointed to a nearby plushie and stationary store, scrunching her face in disgust as she saw Yeji and Heeseung being all lovey-dovey.

"On second thought, maybe we should just leave them be," Kazuha turned her back on them, dragging Y/N away.

Y/N and Kazuha continued browsing through various stores, enjoying their day thoroughly. Eventually, it was time for Y/N to leave and return home with Yeji.

"Hmm? Where's Sunghoon? Didn't he come here with Yuna?" Yeji asked Y/N, giving her a confused glance.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "I didn't see Sunghoon-oppa earlier, neither did Zuha-sama."

"That's weird, I could've sworn they came." The older said, looking for any sign of Sunghoon or Yuna being around, "Maybe they're sneaking around.. Doing 'things'.." Yeji huffed, shaking her head. "Let's just go home without him."

"Unnie! Why do you have to be like this!?" Y/N whined to her older sister in annoyance.

"Don't think about it, Y/N, let's just go back home," Yeji sighed, grabbing Y/N by the arm.

"See you at school, Kazuha-sama!" Y/N waved goodbye to her best friend, following her sister back  home.

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