chapter 16

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"Nishimura Riki!"

The young boy emerged from his room, going downstairs to see his mother with an enraged expression. She pushed her phone into his face, to reveal a picture of Ni-ki and his girlfriend, Y/N, kissing at the swing set.

"Explain this to me right now!" His mother shrieked, angrily crossing her arms as soon as she showed the picture to Ni-ki.

"Mom, it's not what it-"

"Do you understand how people will react when they find out you're dating some unwealthy skunk at your school?" His mother said, not caring if her words affected him, "Our reputation will get ruined because of you!"

"Mom, please! I love her!" Ni-ki cried, pleading with his mother.

"I don't care! You need to break up with her, now!" His mother screamed, shutting down Ni-ki.

"No, I won't!" Ni-ki retaliated, yelling back at his mother.

"Are you crazy? Do you want to be disowned? You have nowhere to go, Nishimura Riki," His mother shouted, continuing, "You must choose dancing over this worthless girl!"

"She's not worthless, Mom! You'll never understand her the way I do!" Ni-ki cried.

"I could care less!" She said harshly, "I'd much rather you date Kazuha than that pig!"

Water filled Ni-ki's eyelids, on the verge of streaming down his face, "Stop!"

"Why should I? You can't handle a little bit of criticism!?" His mother said as Ni-ki broke down inside by the hurtful words.

"She's the one that I love the most! You can't make me date Kazuha," Ni-ki stated, adamant with his decision.

"Oh yes I can Riki, I have much more authority than you!"

"No, you don't!" Ni-ki yelled, still protesting to his mother, "I'd rather choose her over dancing!" Tears started rolling down his cheeks, unable to hide the pain he was in.

"Yeah? Well you would much rather choose dance over being disowned!" She continued, "Go to your room and think about what I said!"

Y/N had a habit of arriving early to dance practice. Most of the time, Ni-ki was the only one present, and they would help each other and use this time to get closer to one another.

Today she did the same, arriving early, but Ni-ki wasn't present. So she decided to work on a dance she had been learning. She put her backpack down and began stretching. Y/N pulled out her phone and 'Move' by Taemin started to play.

Y/N immediately focused, making sure her moves were precise and fluid. She went over some mistakes, and took her time. She didn't notice the tall figure walk into the dance room, hypnotized by the way her body moved as she danced.

The song finally ended and Y/N felt a slight tug on the waistband of her sweatpants.

"You did well, Y/N." A husky voice said behind her. She turned to see who the person behind the voice was.

One of the dance instructors had been watching her dance since the song had started, "But I do see a need for improvement." He said as Y/N turned her gaze away from him.

She tried her best to get out of his grip but it was no use. The instructor pulled her closer by the waist.

"Stop," Y/N narrowed her eyes, trying to shove the instructor away, once again. Still, it was no use, he was stronger than her.


"What do you think you're doing!?" Ni-ki yelled, slamming open the door to the practice room, Kazuha trailing behind him fearfully.

The dance instructor separated himself from Y/N, scratching the back of his neck. "I was just trying to help her, Riki. It's not what it looks like."

"Don't call me Riki," Ni-ki glared at the dance instructor, his voice filled with malice. "Keep your hands off of her!"

"Why does it matter to you anyway? Don't you have a girlfriend?" The dance instructor huffed, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Kazuha stepped behind Ni-ki, trying to hide herself from the situation.

"My personal life isn't your business!" Ni-ki shouted, grabbing Y/N by the arm, pulling her to his side.

Suddenly, Y/N feels something soft touch the side of her face. Ni-ki was kissing her cheek. Huffing in frustration, the dance instructor pushed past Ni-ki and Y/N, leaving the dance practice room.

After Ni-ki's lips left Y/N's cheek, he turned to look at her.  Y/N pointed her head upward and saw how close their faces were. Ni-ki made a triangle motion with his eyes.

Ni-ki smirked in triumph, pressing a small kiss against the corner of Y/N's mouth, leaving the practice room.

Once the door had closed completely, Y/N became flustered and blushed furiously.

"Y/N.. Oh my goodness, my ship is setting sail!" Kazuha said, slightly jumping in excitement.

"What did he do that for?" Y/N stuttered out of embarrassment, holding her cheek where Ni-ki had just planted a kiss.

"He was trying to protect you, duh!" Kazuha rolled her eyes playfully. "You can't take a hint for the life of you, Y/N."

"Were you dancing to something before we came in? I can help you, if you'd like!" Kazuha offered, placing her belongings down at the side of the room.

"Sure, I'd like that." Y/N said, "Thanks, Zuha." The other Japanese nodded happily.

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