chapter 9

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Today, the dance department would be announcing who made the team. Y/N eagerly approached the board full of flyers, with her brother trailing after her. Y/N scanned the list and found her name at the top.

Smiling with great joy, Y/N turned to Sunghoon and high-fived him. "You did it! Great job, Y/N, I knew you could do it."

"Thanks," Y/N dryly answered, seeing Kazuha looking at the list to the right of her. She saw Kazuha smile, which only meant one thing.

"Hey, Kazuha," Y/N gave a fake smile to her now ex-best friend. "Congratulations on making the team," Before Y/N walked off, she paused next to Kazuha, muttering in her ear, "And your boyfriend."

"What? Y/N I-" Kazuha tried to stop her, but Y/N continued down the hallway, not sparing a glance at her former friend.

"Zuha! Did you see? You made the team!" Ni-ki said happily. His acting really paid off, Kazuha thought she didn't actually make the team.

"Ni-ki," Kazuha's tone was bitter as she frowned. "Y/N found out about us."

"She was bound to find out soon, Zuha." He continued, "It's better she found out now than later."

"I didn't want her to find out like this, Riki! I just lost my best friend!" Kazuha wailed, beginning to panic.

"Babe.. I'm sure everything will figure itself out."

"No, this is all your fault! If only you had explained to Y/N why you had to break up with her, then it wouldn't have ended up like this!" Kazuha screamed, scaring off the other people who were trying to check the list as to who made the dance team. "If only you explained to her instead of leaving her behind, she wouldn't have ended up like this!"

Kazuha began to cry, "It's because of you I lost my best friend, Nishimura Riki," She wiped her tears away. "I should've never chosen you over her!"

"Zuha, I-"

"Just stop!" Kazuha said, leaving Ni-ki standing there dumbfounded as he watched her walk away.

Ni-ki and Kazuha were dancing together in the studio, correcting each others' mistakes and learning from one another.

Kazuha was simply dancing, watching her reflection in the mirror. Ni-ki watched her from a distance, commenting on what she could improve on, then demonstrating. Kazuha stumbled forward as she attempted to copy the move Ni-ki had just executed, which resulted in her landing on top of him.

Things escalated. Fast.

Her lips were attached onto Ni-ki's. She pushed herself off of him, panicking. "I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry," Kazuha scrambled away from him, looking away in shame.

"It's.. Fine." Ni-ki wiped his lips, looking away from her.

"It's not though! What about Y/N? What will she think of us when she finds out!?" Kazuha said, still panicking.

Ni-ki sighed. "It was unintentional, you didn't mean to. I'm sure Y/N wouldn't want to know either so let's just drop it."

"But she deserves to know-"

"Kazuha, she doesn't! She won't know, okay? She knows I love her more than anything." Ni-ki exclaimed, raising his voice.

"But that's the thing! You kissed her best friend when you love her, Ni-ki!" Kazuha exclaimed, going over and grabbing her things.

"Please, Kazuha.. Don't tell Y/N," Ni-ki pleaded.

"You're one lucky bastard, Nishimura."

Y/N checked the time on her phone, waiting for the numbers to hit 3:00. She met up with Sunghoon after leaving her class.

"Y/N, I was thinking we could go to a bakery across the street from our apartment." Sunghoon continued, "Yeji can meet us there with a couple of others."

"Sure, but I'll be doing homework for the most part. Math is already kicking my butt." Y/N said.

Y/N and Sunghoon arrived at the bakery, with a few of Yeji's friends greeting them. Even some of Sunghoon's friends managed to arrive.

Sunghoon led the way and Y/N followed him to the table next to the front window of the bakery. They met Chaeryeong, Ryujin, and Lia at the booth alongside Yeji. Y/N said with them and Sunghoon went over to Jake and Heeseung who had already ordered some food and drinks.

"Hey, Y/N!" Lia said happily, continuing, "Are you feeling better from the boy trouble-" Yeji nudged Lia harshly which made her hit the side of the booth. She recovered after a short amount of whining, "Um.. I mean.. How's school been?" Ryujin burst out laughing, trying to keep her composure.

Y/N glared at Yeji, knowing she told everything to the other girls about her love life. Yeji gave a 'sorry' type look and got up to take her order.

"It's been.. Good." Y/N said, trying to act like everything was fine.

"You sure? If you need to talk, Chaeryeong, Ryujin and I are very supportive." Lia said, reassuring her. The two girls nodded at Lia's statement, making Y/N feel reassured.

Y/N started scrolling on her phone until Yeji came back with the food.

"Y/N," A voice suddenly called for her. Y/N turned to look at Kazuha, before she turned away from her, scrolling on her phone once again. "Y/N, please. Let me explain.."

"What is there to explain? Are you here to tell me how happy you are with Ni-ki?" Y/N snapped, huffing.

Yeji, Chaeryeong, Ryujin and Lia averted their attention to Kazuha. They all immediately recognized the brown-haired girl from the Japanese store they went inside at the mall.

"No, Y/N. I just want to explain everything."

"Leave me alone, Kazuha!" Y/N raised her voice which caught the attention of a few customers and workers. Sunghoon quickly got up from his seat to go help Y/N.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let's keep it down okay, Y/N?" Sunghoon said, trying his best to keep his composure. He then turned to see the girl that his sister raised her voice at, "Oh.."

"Chaeryeong, go get me some popcorn." Ryujin whispered loudly. Yeji hit her absentmindedly so the younger girl wouldn't continue.

Y/N kept a stern glare at Kazuha, not averting her attention anywhere else, "You can leave now." She demanded, but Kazuha couldn't just back down like that.

"Y/N, please just let me explain!" Kazuha shouted, making almost everyone in the store look at the group's booth in confusion.

"I said no, okay!?" Y/N shouted, getting up and shoving Kazuha hard enough that she almost fell. If it wasn't for Sunghoon catching her, she would've definitely hurt herself.

"Fine.." The Japanese said, leaving Sunghoon's arms and walking outside the bakery.

"Y/N.." Yeji said, trying to call the younger girl. Y/N grabbed a croissant off the table and left the store furiously, "You can't get inside the house without keys.."

water lily - ni-ki x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now