chapter 10

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Y/N and Ni-ki always found solace in sitting on the swing set together. There was something comforting about the gentle motion of the swing, especially late talks that lasted several hours. Y/N could rely on Ni-ki, and he could do the same to her.

"I had a bad day today," Ni-ki mumbled, swinging his legs back and forth to gain momentum.

"Why's that?" Y/N asked, turning to look at him, her slender fingers gripping onto the rusting chains of the swing.

Sighing, Ni-ki looked down at his feet. "My parents.. Have high expectations," Pausing, he looked at Y/N in the eyes. "I feel like I can't fulfill those expectations sometimes. They want me to be a model student and dancer, but I can't balance both."

"I understand how you feel," Y/N leaned over and held his hand, comfortingly rubbing her thumb through his palm. "You shouldn't let them dictate your life, Riki. You should decide what's right and what's wrong for yourself."

"But how can I? They limit me all the time, I can't be my true self unless I'm with you," Ni-ki muttered sadly, reaching for both of Y/N's hands. "I don't know how to navigate my life without you."

"Riki," Y/N gently spoke, frowning, "At some point, you must learn how to improve and grow without me. It may be difficult to comprehend, but I promise you, you won't need my presence at every waking hour."

"But I need you, Y/N," Ni-ki desperately cried.

Sighing, Y/N cracked a small smile. "I know. But things will get better, I promise you."

"I hope so," Ni-ki dropped his hands from Y/N's grip, swaying gently along the seat of the swing.

"How about we get your mind off of your troubles? We can play on the playground," Y/N suggested, giving Ni-ki a small smile.

"Y/N, we aren't little kids anymore," Ni-ki complained, but Y/N grabbed him by the wrist, dragging him to the structure.

"Come on, Riki, it'll be fun," Y/N smiled, beginning to play on the monkey bars. Reluctantly, Ni-ki climbed after Y/N, before the two became competitive, creating a small competition. Running along the sand of the playground, Y/N chased after Ni-ki to the slides.

"You're too late, Y/N, I-" Before Ni-ki could finish his sentence, Y/N pulled him by the collar backwards and slid down the slide, cheering in celebration.

"Hey, no fair! You cheated!" Ni-ki whined, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"Sucks to suck," Y/N playfully remarked, shrugging her shoulders.

Snickering mischievously, Ni-ki ran after Y/N and grabbed her by her waist, spinning her around. He put her on the ground, pressing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"Okay, fine. You win," Ni-ki admitted defeat, rolling his eyes as Y/N continued to tease him. "I only let you win because you're my girlfriend."

"No, you wanted to win, you sore loser," Y/N giggled, hugging him tightly.

"Did not! I'm a gentleman, you know?" Ni-ki crossed his arms over his chest.

"Whatever you say, Riki."

water lily - ni-ki x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now