The Wisdom of Aunt Hilda

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Harriet felt a bit clueless.

As a woman from a wealthy and titled family, Harriet was raised from birth to be a society wife. Even if she married someone from the lower nobility she'd be spending her days hosting teas and sewing circles. Everything in her life had primed her towards being a wife and mother. Harriet didn't mind. She wanted to be marry and have children. The issue was that she had no idea how to be a princess.

The season was over, yes, but Harriet felt as though she wasn't really doing what was needed. There'd been no teas or charity events. Harriet was supposed to be a society leader now, dictating what and who was in vogue. Instead, Harriet just felt a bit stuck.

Harriet needed honesty and there was only one person who she could trust with that.

Aunt Hilda had launched into gossip mode before Harriet had even said hello.

"I saw Lady Cowper at the milliner's yesterday. She couldn't quite meet my eye. Oh, she is so upset that Miss Cressida didn't marry the prince. They thought that once Daphne Bridgerton was off the market then she'd get the attentions of the Prince once. Well, that clearly didn't work. Lady Cowper is so upset that Miss Cressida didn't get a husband in the first season. You expect that from a Featherington but not a Cowper. I mean, her dowry is the size of some American cities. One would expect the men of the ton to overlook her awful manners and snobbery in order to get it. I'd have thought that some fortune hunter with gambling debts have seized the opportunity. Then again, Miss Cressida said that she'd only marry a title. I doubt she'll be saying that again come the season. She cannot afford to be choosy. Now, she doesn't have to be as choosy as the Featheringtons. The Baron left his wife and daughters with nothing but debts. Irresponsible considering none of them are married. They'll be chomping at the bit next season, but nobody is going to marry a Featherington with no dowry. Anyway, how are you?"

Harriet was surprised that her aunt remembered how to breathe.

"I am well."

"Good. I knew you would be happy with the Prince."

"Friedrich is a wonderful and kind man indeed," Harriet did not wish to tell her aunt about her lack of passions in the bedroom. Whilst Hilda would be honest, she did not feel comfortable broaching the subject with an older relative. Hilda had been the one to tell her that it would be fun.

"I still cannot believe that you're a princess."

"I can scarcely believe it myself."

"What is wrong, liebste?"

Hilda could always tell.

"I just feel sort of...stuck," Harriet placed her teacup down, "I was never prepared to be a princess. A Viscountess or Lady, yes, but not a princess. I find that I do not really know what to do with myself. The season is over and it is quieter here, but I just do not know how to be a princess. I'm supposed to lead society yet I am at a loss. All I do is take tea and go for walks with Mozart. I am not doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm not leading, I'm hiding."

At the mention of his name, Mozart whipped his fluffy little head up. Harriet resumed stroking him.

"Darling, you've been married for a few months. Nobody expects you to come out all guns blazing."

"I receive invitations every day. I bet they wonder when I am going to send one out."

"No one will begrudge you for having time to yourself. You've actually stayed in London. Most have fled to the country. I've always found the country rather dull myself."

"I want to be out there, doing something. I could be making a worthy cause fashionable but I am not. I do not know the first thing about organising a group or a function. There are so many charities asking for my patronage. It is though every philanthropic organisation in the country has written to me."

"Harriet. You are a princess. You are royalty. Whatever you say goes. You are society. It is so easy to do whatever you want. You just need to be bold enough to take it. Look at Lady Danbury or Lady Bridgerton. Everybody takes notice of them and neither are as high ranking as you are. Stand up, make yourself known. Walk tall and be proud. You can lead, Harriet. I believe you can."

"I am not as bold as Lady Danbury, nor am I as well respected as Lady Bridgerton."

"What you are is a good, kind woman. The prince didn't just choose you because you're pretty and good with music. He picked you because you have a good heart. He picked you because he knows that you would be an excellent wife. You can do so much good Harriet and I know you want to. Invite ladies to salons or meetings about charity. You can always join me when I visit the home for injured soldiers. It's a start, but it's a good one. Soon enough, you'll have a baby to take care of."

Harriet furrowed her brows.

"You are engaging in relations, yes?"

"We are. Both of us wants a good sized family."

"You are young, there is plenty of time, but let us hope you are blessed soon. It took me nearly two years to become with child. Hopefully you will not have to deal with three rambunctious boys. How I would have loved a daughter."

"Friedrich wishes for a daughter one day, as do I."

"Your mother says you were her easiest childbirth. Your brothers had her exhausted for days but you were good. Hours she spent having your brothers but you were out nearly immediately."

"I hope to have such good luck."

"Boys are more difficult, I can attest to that. I was in labour for a day and half with Joseph and he was the largest baby you'd ever seen. I thought he was never to come out and they'd have to open me up."

Harriet laughed.

"See, that's the smile I needed to see. You shall be great at this. Remember, you always have me and your mother. I'm sure Lady Burnley will support you too."

"I am blessed to have you."

"That is right, you are very blessed," Hilda sipped her tea.

Modesty had never been Hilda's strong point.

Hi all, hope you enjoyed this one! I wanted more of Harriet with her family.

Next Time: Harriet throws her first party and heeds her aunt's advice as she becomes a new woman.

Thanks again, don't forget to like, follow and comment x

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