Chapter 5

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Word count: 2.2k
Warning: Refusing to eat and mentions of slaves

Inside the guest room of Severus Snape's home, the girl is sitting on the bed while trying to figure out why the black-haired man suddenly decided to change his mind. Why can't she leave? And what does it have to do with his friends?

She can't help but wonder... Did he lie to her? Did he actually buy her from that creepy man because he's a creepy man himself? Is he going to hurt her? Is he going to use her like a slave?

She takes a deep breath. No, the man seemed nice. Besides, he said that she just had to stay for a while. Perhaps he will let her go once his friends have left.

After a long moment of listening to her own thoughts, there's a knock on the door. Y/N truly hopes that now is the time to leave and go home.

As the door opens, she notices that the man doesn't look happy. He looks frustrated, annoyed and... scared?

"I'm afraid you will have to stay a little longer" he mutters.

That confuses her. "What? But I thought I could leave once your friends had left!" she snaps, sounding harsher than meaning to.

Severus huffs. "Well, change of plans. This will be your room until further notice" he explains.

She blinks a few times, digesting what he's telling her. "Wait... For how long will I have to stay? Will it be for several days?" she questions, confused. Why isn't he telling her anything?

"I have no idea yet... Anyway, I will bring you some lunch soon" he mutters, sighing before turning to leave the room.

"Hey! You haven't even told me what's going on! Why do I have to stay here?" she demands.

He looks at her for a while. "I can't tell you" he almost whispers, looking sorry. He then leaves.

As he does so, Y/N sighs in frustration. What isn't he telling her? Why won't he let her leave?! She throws herself on the bed, burying her face with the pillow. Will she ever go home? That seems less likely.

Maybe everything he said really was a lie... Perhaps he even pretended to be in pain so she would feel sorry for him and stay. But why would he do that now that he already got her?

She thought it was suspicious that he didn't call the police, though. Maybe he had it all planned... Maybe he's just like the men who were going to buy them. She shudders at that.

She can't help but think about the other women. He probably lied about saving them. Tonight they will be bought by some disgusting men who will do things to them...

What is this guy going to do to her? Well, she won't wait and find out. If he won't let her go soon, then she's going to escape from this place.

A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. She doesn't answer. She hears him sigh before entering the room.

"I made you a sandwich" he says.

"I'm not hungry" she tells him, not even looking at him.

He sighs once more. "Very well" he mutters before leaving.

She however hears him putting the food on the nightstand on his way out. She decides not to eat it. She doesn't want to eat his food. Either he lets her go or lets her starve.

A few hours later, there's another knock on the door. She doesn't answer it like last time. Severus enters the room.

"It's dinner time" he announces. Y/N can smell the food. It smells amazing, but she won't eat it. She ignores her rumbling stomach.

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