Chapter 6

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Word count: 1.9k
Warning: Suicidal thoughts and mentions of death, slaves and holding someone captive

Lopsy brought Y/N breakfast the next morning. The girl truly hopes that the creature will be the only one to bring her food - she hates the owner of the house she's stuck in. She truly hates him. He was clearly lying to her - if he really told the truth so far, why is he making her stay here?

Alas, the person she wants to see the least brings her lunch.

Severus sighs. "I know you don't wish to see me, I just wanted to hear how you are feeling" he mutters.

He winces when she glares at him. "How I'm feeling? Are you seriously asking me that?!" she snaps.

He almost facepalms himself. Indeed, why did he ask that? Anyone can tell that she's miserable...

He sighs in relief when she actually eats the offered food this time. As she eats her lunch, he suddenly gets an idea. Perhaps she saw who the Muggle man was talking to.

He clears his throat. "Did you ever see the man who held you captive talking to someone? Someone who wasn't a customer nor one of the women?" he questions.

She huffs. "Why do you even want to know? Besides, I have a question for you - was this your plan from the start? Pretending to save me only to hold me captive?" she asks, crossing her arms.

At that, Severus' face turns pale. Merlin, does she believe that he bought her for his own enjoyment?!

"What? No! I would never do such thing!" he quickly states. He feels absolutely sick right now... No wonder she wouldn't take whatever food he was offering her.

"And is Lopsy your slave? I hope you aren't treating her horribly, she doesn't deserve that" Y/N states, giving him a warning look.

That makes him sigh. She wouldn't have asked that if only Lopsy would stop calling him Master...

"It's complicated... But no, Lopsy isn't my slave. I have begged her to stop calling me Master, but she refuses" he decides to say, being honest with her. He can't really tell if she believes him or not.

"My friends and I saved the women, by the way" he tells her. Hopefully that will ease her mind.

She however snorts sarcastically. "Yeah, right... They are clearly free just like me" she mutters.

Great, she doesn't believe him. He opens his mouth before closing it again. He has no idea what to say to her in order to make her believe him... Maybe it's for the best.

"I'll let you be alone now" he mutters before he leaves her room. He walks downstairs to the living room where he pours himself a glass of firewhiskey. He sits down on the couch and sighs before taking a sip.

He feels absolutely horrible. He has to keep the girl against her own will, locked up in the guest room... Maybe he should just let her go and suffer the consequences. He was supposed to die anyway if it wasn't for Potter...

He wants to shout as loud as he can and cry until his eyes are completely dry. Here he is, sounding ungrateful that the Boy Who Lived saved his life that day. He at least owes the boy to stay alive. But for what? He's not doing anything with his life... All he's doing is staying at home, sulking over how lonely he is.

And the worst part... Now that the girl is here, he feels less lonely. But at what cost? She's miserable! She won't even talk to him! She won't even look at him! He wants this nightmare to be over soon.

It's been a few days. Severus hasn't been the one to bring her food as he doesn't want to make her even more miserable. She likes Lopsy, so Lopsy will bring her food.

Lonely Man (Severus Snape x Muggle! reader)Where stories live. Discover now