One Shot: First Date

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Severus decides that it's time for him and Y/N to have their first date after everything they have been through. He asks his friends for advice - will the night be a disaster? Or will it turn out perfect?

This is a birthday present for sevsnapes on Tumblr. Happy birthday!🥳🎁🎂  Also, this is perfect as it's Valentine's Day soon!

I hope you enjoy!

Published: 2/9/2023

Word count: 1.7k
Warning: Alcohol and mentions of Bellatrix's curse

Severus is pacing around in the living room, thinking about how to approach what's on his mind. He and Y/N haven't been on a date yet since everything they have been through together, so he thought that now is the right time. But the question is - what should they do together?

He keeps thinking and thinking, but can't seem to make up his mind. He sighs loudly. He wants this to be perfect! What should he do?

After another moment of thinking, he decides to seek advice from his friends. They have more experience than him when it comes to romance, so hopefully they can help him out.

He sends all four of them a letter by owl, expecting them to answer later. However, they all show up outside the front door in less than ten minutes - they are clearly eager to help out their clueless friend.

Lucius pats Severus' shoulder when they enter, comforting him. "Don't worry, my friend. We will make sure that your first date will be perfect" he assures him.

An hour later, and no progress has been made. They can't seem to agree on how a perfect date should be...

"Are you kidding me? Muggle cinemas are the best location!" Harry argues.

That makes Lucius wrinkle his nose, clearly disgusted by the suggestion. "Seriously, Potter? No offence to Muggles, but that simply won't suffice. Clearly, the best location is my manor" he states smugly.

Both Narcissa and Minerva sigh. "I disagree, Mr. Malfoy. In my opinion, gardens are the perfect location" Minerva states.

Narcissa nods. "I agree with Headmistress McGonagall. Gardens are indeed the perfect location. We do have a mansion in France with a very beautiful garden and a beautiful view..." she starts before Minerva stops her.

"Dear, they do not have to go to France. There are plenty of beautiful gardens here in England" she tries.

Narcissa huffs. "By all due respect, I disagree with that" she says.

As all four of them keep fighting about the location and the activities, Severus facepalms. Merlin, can they agree on anything?!

He finally has enough of the chaos and flees the debate room, which is the living room. He quickly walks upstairs, slams his door shut and tries not to scream. This is a disaster! What now?!

Suddenly, Lopsy apparates in the room. "Lopsy noticed that Master seems to be in trouble" the elf says, tilting her head in curiosity.

Severus sighs before nodding. "Yes, Lopsy... You see, I made the mistake of asking my dunderhead friends for some advice about first dates" he mutters.

At that, Lopsy squeals and jumps up and down. "Lopsy would love to help! Lopsy won't disappoint, Lopsy promises!" she exclaims, looking up at him with her puppy eyes.

He doesn't even hesitate before taking her offer. He truly hopes that she in fact can help put a stopper on the madness downstairs.

The two of them join the others in the living room. They are still debating... It's a wonder they didn't have a physical fight yet.

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