Chapter 5 - Knowledge Is Power

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The afternoon finally passed by and you were waiting for Shinso to open the door after you knocked. A small part of you was wondering if he maybe wasn't home since it'd been a few minutes. You almost convinced yourself to try again later when the door opened, revealing a freshly showered Shinso. He wore a casual white v-neck and black sweatpants. His hair was ruffled dry and the towel draped around his neck.

"Sorry. I got dirty on patrol today so I took a quick shower." was all he said before stepping to the side. You politely wandered in and noticed his house decor had a minimalistic approach to it: there were only a few plants here and there and the basic necessities. The mask laid on his bed as if he'd been examining it himself before you came.

You didn't notice Shinso looking at your outfit as you started looking around the house. You'd opted for casual cozy wear despite the fact that you were technically working outside of home. Not that he cared. On the contrary, he liked that you felt comfortable enough to not feel as though you had to dress professionally and could settle with an old t-shirt and purple sweatpants. He didn't let himself think it so straightforwardly, but he thought purple looked good on you.

"What's the deal with the cat stuff?" you pointed to a corner. It had all kinds of cat owner supplies but you didn't see a cat. Maybe it was napping somewhere? Shinso had grabbed the mask from his bed and was handing it to you as he answered,

"I'm planning to adopt a cat."

You were visibly surprised. Then you recalled Mimi's story in which she mentioned that the only reason Shinso hung out with her was because she'd bring Milo along.

"You like cats?" you asked with a laugh. You were by no means making fun of him but he didn't see it that way as he furrowed his eyebrows and got defensive.

"And what if I do? I work hard. I deserve a cat." he retaliated. You lifted your hands up as if to claim peace and giggled.

"Woah, don't worry, I'm not judging. I think it's a cute dynamic." you said. Shinso stared at you in confusion and you explained, "Well, you don't look like you sleep much.  So it makes sense that you'd have a pet as nocturnal as you", you paused for a second before a look of weariness crossed your face and looked at him in the eyes,"but wait...Shinso, I'm pretty sure the apartment contracts prohibit pets?"

Shinso didn't look surprised when you reminded him. Instead, he looked away and scratched the back of his neck as if he hadn't heard you. You grinned.

"Oh?What's this, is the hero breaking rules now?"

"Shut up."

You laughed as you set the mask down on the only desk along with the bag of tools you'd brought along. You wouldn't be doing much fixing today--the plan was to take the mask apart and take a look at all the pieces to see what could be salvaged and what would need to be replaced. You took a seat on the comfy chair and gave the mask a quick once-over.

Shinso stayed in his spot as he watched you shift into your work mode. The light banter had prevented any awkwardness he'd expected from your first visit and now you were too immersed in the mask to care that he was just there. However, his point still stood. He wanted to understand the mask better so he left the main area of the apartment and went into his closet to look for a specific item.

Moments later he came out with a folded chair and you perked up in surprise when he took a seat by the side of the desk. He crossed his arms and your (e/c) eyes met his purple eyes.

You liked them. You hadn't met a single person who had eyes such a unique color and his tired gaze always gave them a signature look that you realized really set him apart from people. Eye contact with him was a bit entrancing. Then there was the purple hair to match and you wondered if he dyed it or was born with it. Whether it was a good or bad thing that you couldn't ever keep your mouth closed, you didn't know.

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