Your Answer?

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(Momo was in shock to see her boyfriend on one knee proposing to her on Christmas Eve, but then crazier things have happened.)
I know we're still in high school and yeah this is out of the blue, but I can't imagine my life without you. Ever since we met in that alley way when you were hiding from your butler I was captivated by your beauty and your smile caught me off guard. Your beautiful, intelligent and determined which is why I believe you'll make a great hero someday. (Izuku said as he was looking at the ground.) If you say no I understand but before you answer I've gotta ask. (Izuku looked up at Momo with determination in his eyes.) Will you marry me?
(Momo looked at the ring in his hand and then realized that this wasn't a dream it was real. Tears began to build up in her eyes.)
Yes, of course I'd marry you! (Momo said as this caused Izuku to smile and hug her but not too hard since Eri was on Momo's lap. Izuku then slowly put the ring on her finger.) It's beautiful.
Only the best for you. (Izuku said as he and Momo then heard the sound of a camera flash revealing it came from Mina's phone.)
Ahhhh, how sweet!
Mina I thought you went to bed?
I did but then I got thirsty and I couldn't help but hear a declaration of love from your boyfriend or should I say fiancé.
(The rest of class 1-A rush down stairs to figure out what is going on.)
Don't you two think you're kinda rushing into marriage, what would your parents think?
I've already asked my mom and she said yes that she would love to have Momo as a daughter in law.
And your Yaoyorozu?
Well I...
Mrs. Yaoyorozu:
Then why do you think she said yes? (Mrs. Yaoyorozu said as she. Mr. Yaoyorozu and Inko walk into the dorms to visit their daughter and her future husband.)
If you can't see it then you children haven't experienced anything romantic aside from wanting to follow your dreams of being heroes.
Mr. Yaoyorozu:
And while we do need heroes, we also need families to help make the next great generation of heroes. Besides I can't wait to introduce the rest of our family to my quirk less son in law.
Yep and I wouldn't have it any other way.
(It was Christmas Day and all of class 1-A along with Momo's parents and Inko all gathered for breakfast in the common area and thus Eve was enjoying their meal while Momo and Izuku were sitting next to each other and holding hands under the table while Eri sat on Momo's lap.)
What kind of wedding will you guys have?
Not sure maybe a modern wedding?
I was kinda thinking we do a traditional wedding, since you showed me all of the things we had to do and I've been practicing.
Oh really? I didn't think you'd want to do that kind of stuff for our wedding.
Well I'd want to try it at least once.
(As the two love birds we're talking about their wedding plans. The rest of class1-A watched in awe.
I can't believe he's quirk less and yet both of their parents approve.
It's not the craziest thing if you think about it.
What about like you know domestic abuse between quirk users and quirk less people? That would have to be a high number.
Actually there's not a lot of relationships like that.
Wait are you saying that they would be the first quirk/quirk less marriage to ever happen? (Kirishima asked as Shinso nodded.)
Pass what if a quirk less person married me for just my money?
Really your stupid to think like that.
Or what they say your being perverted and they divorce you and you still have to pay them anyway.
What's that supposed to mean?
Between you and Denki, you're the worst. I'm mean come on you still use that peephole in the locker room and I've seen you get yourself off from them taking their clothes off.
1-A Girls:
What?!? Gross.
Your welcome.
Well we won't really know unless we try it ourselves. (Sato said as Koda nodded his head in agreement.)
(As the morning continued with the students doing secret Santa, Izuku was holding Eri in his lap with Aizawa noticing how happy Eri was with Izuku and Momo.)
Yaoyorozu, Midoriya come with me.
(Momo and Izuku follow Aizawa outside and close the door behind them.)
What is it sensei?
Do you want kids?
Ummm, someday why?
Reason why I'm asking is because I've noticed how calm and happy Eri is with you two and since you're getting married after you graduate high school, I just thought you know.
(The two lovers looked at each other and smiled at each other before giving Aizawa their answer.)
Well what do you think?
Well if we adopt Eri we'd have enough experience before we try for kids of our own.
All right we'll adopt her.
Perfect, besides I'd rather have her be with people I know other then strangers that she'll never get along with. Thank you.
(It was one more year before they graduated high school and they'd be married.)
[Part seven in the bag, thank you guys so much for reading the story so far we have one more part left and then that's it for my first story. The picture is from art street by Medibang ok guys till next time]

My quirk less boyfriend (Momo x Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now