Chapter 20: More Than Meets The Eye

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Reagan left the room together with the other Knights. Being the last one to leave, he spared a last glance to the two persons left inside before he held the knob. Immediately after closing the door, he heaved a deep sigh, the thoughts of his irresponsibility still weighed and he felt disappointment for himself. This is the first time he acted against his values.

Following the other knights, he walked along the dim corridors of the duchy. The rain was still pouring but not as heavy as few hours ago, when the Duke suddenly arrived without prior notice.

Farrell, who noticed his silence tapped his soldiers and walked pass him without a word. Glancing over the window, his steps halted as he saw a familiar silhoutte.

Her brunette head was sticking out of her hooded coat as she stride at the green expanse of the manor. His gaze lingered at the figure heading outside, wondering how the tiny woman could stand being out regardless of the cold rain.

With the pitter-patter of the rain beating down against the windows, his thoughts traveled at the incident that bothered him until moments ago.

Reagan silently trailed behind the woman, his thoughts still debating whether he was meant to leave the Duchess' side in a crowded area. He was entrusted of her safety and well-being, but still, he cannot ignore her words.

Walking behind, he took the leisure to study her features stealthily. Brunette hair kept in a neat bun, petite and frail form, casual clothes —plain looking. Though her clear, determined purple eyes were quite unusual.

She was a Brookes, a family that served the Fleiss for generations. He was aware of her existence for years of serving the Duke, but never bothered to take a closer look at her.

The lady clearly treasures her attendant, even letting him follow her instead. But how is he even supposed to act when the woman was about to meet her lover. Is he supposed to tag along or remain from a distance and watch. He might just be a hindrance to them.

His thoughts halted as the woman stopped on her tracks, her purple eyes were locked at a particular direction. Following her gaze, Reagan saw a tall man with blonde hair and slanted eyes. His upper torso was adorned with light armor, marked with the rose insignia of Payne-a vassal family.

The man was not alone, the corner of his mouth was raised mischievously as he conversed with three noble ladies. Half of their faces were covered with their decorated pleated fans as they indulge in a playful conversation.

The man reminded him of the knights' conversation during war when everyone was gathered in a bonfire, drinking booze, aware of the fact that they might not survive another day.

The knights would often tell stories about women and sex. How they seduce and covet a woman's body, singing the details like a minstrel.

The blonde knight was taken aback when his eyes caught sight of his lover from the distance, watching the noble ladies giggle at his waggish banter. A glint of anxiousness escaped from his eyes as he tried to excuse himself from the small crowd and made his way towards the woman he promised to spend his time with.

Reagan stepped back and monitored from the distance, it wasn't a situation he should meddle with and does not find the need to. If it wasn't for the Duchess' order, he would've already left.

"M-Miss Brookes, have you been waiting for so long?" The man inquired, his voice shook with nervousness.

Lara's hands trembled as she clasped the skirt of her dress tightly. Despite the rush of emotions, she managed to utter words without stuttering, "No, I just arrived. The plaza is packed, I thought I wouldn't find you." She reasoned, even managed to smile.

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