Chapter 30: A Knight's Affection (3)

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Reagan fixed his cloak and concealed his identity before entering the establishment. The moment he entered, the strong smell of stale ale permeated his sense of smell. Looking around, the place exceeded his expectations. What he pictured in his mind was a nasty place with rowdy drunks and spilled drinks at the tables. But the establishment was rather organized. The two-storey pub was adorned with oak tables and polished countertop. It was dimly-lit by lanterns hanging at the walls. Casks were placed behind the counter and different kinds of liquors were aligned at a wooden cabinet.

As he walked towards the counter, the two bartenders followed him with their eyes.

"Hmm, you must be new here. Never saw you before." The man with a scar on his chin greeted as he approached. He has a huge physique and his playful smile reminded him of Farrell. He must be the owner of this establishment.

"I'm a traveler." Reagan lied as he accepted a goblet of ale from him.

"And where did this pretty young man came from?" The other person at the counter asked. It was a woman in his mid-twenties, with notable shoulder-length hair that has the same color of a pumpkin.

"The East." He answered with a dismissing tone.

"Ohh. You must be an intellectual then." the woman insisted yet Reagan chose to ignore her.

The woman rolled her eyes in annoyance, sensing the aloofness of the customer.

"That reminds me. The Academy's winter break is approaching. Is your younger brother coming back?" Chad, the bar owner asked.

"I don't know. That brat doesn't even care about me. He was spending all his time hanging out with his friend."

The man just laughed at her clear display of annoyance.

"Do you mean that stern child, Enoch?"

Reagan's ears were drawn to their conversation when he heard that name.

"Yeah. Enoch will probably stay again at the Academy for their break and that fool was determined to accompany him."

"Well, it seems like the Duke hadn't permitted him to go back ever since he sent him to the Academy. That poor kid."

The woman fell silent for a moment. She wasn't really annoyed by her brother's behavior, in fact, she understands him. But their parents may not think the same way.

"Hey, you seem to have been talking about that rude brat, Enoch." A knight interjected as he leaned at the counter while holding a bottle of liquor. He already seems a bit drunk as he sluggishly chugged the bottle he was holding, red tinge painting his skin.

"Isn't he possibly the Duke's love child?" The knight continued when he hadn't heard any reaction.

Reagan clenched the goblet tightly, staring blankly at his liquor. He needs to maintain his composure or his cover will be blown. His task wasn't accomplished yet.

"I assume that you're quite drunk, Sir. Please refrain from making baseless rumors." The woman interrupted, gesturing her hands in the air while trying to maintain a polite smile at the drunk customer. However, the man had no intentions to back down.

"Come to think of it. He suddenly arrived at the territory holding that child in his arms. He probably sent him to the Academy to not ruin his marriage. That's possible given that the brat was not able to go back." The man had a smug look on his face while intentionally raising his voice to garner attention. Hence, everyone started to gossip in their own circles.

The woman released a deep sigh and glared at the man, losing her patience.

"Hey, stop stirring up a baseless rumor. Do you want to get your tongue cut? How could you speak ill of our Lord." The woman snapped. "Get out of my sight before I cut that vicious tongue myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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