42. Where the Magic Happens

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There's nothing like Christmas in New York

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There's nothing like Christmas in New York.

Sure, getting to walk the beach in California on most Christmas mornings is beautiful and all, but it doesn't exactly scream Christmas. You know what does?

A blanket of white wrapping the trees in a winter glow, the ground sprinkled in those same glistening crystals, the frigid air forcing a marshmallow of a jacket to swallow you up. And once inside, curling up beside the fire with a warm cup of hot chocolate isn't just for holiday spirit, but for necessity. It's a Christmas dreamland.

Spending every other year in New York for the holidays has given me the best of both worlds. The chance to spend it with both sides of my family, and to revel in a sunny coastal bliss while also getting to experience the merriment of a true winter holiday. But this year, I'm a little more excited than normal to be on the east coast, and it's not the fantasy of a white Christmas. It's the fact that New York has one very special thing that California currently does not. A very sexy Grayson Adler.

It's been three days. Three whole days since we've seen each other.

Mom booked our family's tickets to New York months ago during some drop in prices. At the time, it made sense I'd drive home and make the long flight across the country with my family. Of course, that was before I became Grayson's. Before I wanted to spend the flight with my hand in his, using the comfort of his shoulder as a pillow. But the flights were already booked, and we were forced to part ways for the first time in months. I don't think we've spent this many days apart since summer. Even when I was trying to avoid him, we still managed to cross paths.

But now I'm all kinds of Grayson deprived and I don't even know what to do with it. I just want to see him, to feel the chiseled grooves of his chest, to run my fingers through his hair just to hear that satisfied sound he makes. I want to revel in the way his lips feel against mine, in the way he always tastes like everything sweet and beautiful in the world. I want to feel his arms wrapped around me and the tingle of his breath along my skin.

I want him.

And in about three minutes, the wait will finally be over. Except there's one problem...

"I thought it'd be bigger," Tommy leans forward, his chest nearly hitting the steering wheel as he takes in the view of the Adler house.


"Ohhh, Mom's using full names. Dad, you're in trouble," Lucas raises his brows, extending the word trouble with extra pizzazz.

"I'm just saying," Dad cuts back in. "Doesn't he own his own construction business or something?"

"I don't know, Dad," Brooke leans forward now, taking in the house that most definitely is not small. Along with the picturesque view of a treeline that encloses the vast property. "I wouldn't exactly call that a small house. It's actually pretty nice."

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