Chapter 27

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I tossed and turned all night in my sleep. I didn't sleep much every time I closed my eyes all I could see is me shooting Erin and his body sat on fire. I don't know what I was expecting for Carter to do but this made me rethink a lot. Erin lost his life because of me. But I'll do anything in this world to protect Carter!

You Ight? Carter asked as I sat up in the bed.


Call off!

I can't, I've called off way to much over these past few weeks.

I don't want you to go into work like this.

I'll be fine! I assured him.

No your not Asia!

I am. I need to go!

Alright! He sighed and took a deep breath. I got up and went to the bathroom. My eyes was blood shot red. I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. I washed my face and got in the shower. The hot water helped me be alive a little bit.

I want you to take a leave of absence! Carter said coming into my closet.

I can't do that Carter!

Yes you can and you will!

No I can't! My job is my career I can't just leave like this.

Asia you shot somebody. You cried in your sleep! You can not go to work like this. I'm trying to help you okay.

I'll be fine I'm okay I just need to get out the house.

Alright fine... I'll be here when you get here. He walked out the closet and I finished getting dress. I felt like I was so out of it. I put on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt and some jeans. I pulled my hair up high into a ponytail and did my make up. I clipped my gun on my hip and grabbed my bag.

Take this! Carter said bringing me a bottle of water and some pills.

What is it?

It's something that's going to calm your nerves.

I'm fine.

Asia can you just take them for me please! He begged.

No I'm fine Carter.

Ight, ight! He followed me outside and opened my car door for me. "I love you ight!"

I love you too! He leaned in and kissed me before closing my door.

I pulled off and headed to work. My nerves was so bad I was shaking the closer I got to work.
I parked in my parking spot and a car that looked just like Erin's was in my parking spot.

The car behind me started blowing the horn scaring me. I parked next to Chante and got out quickly. I went into the building and straight to my office. I think im gonna be sick. I sat down at my desk and soon as I looked up I could of sworn I seen Erin's face. His office light was on and his door was open.

I got up and ran to the bathroom, I started throwing up my insides. I fell to the floor crying and holding myself. I felt like I was going crazy in the inside. I never felt this hurt before. Someone was kilt in front of me. I started getting sick again.

Asia? Chante voice called out to me. I wiped my face and stood to my feet. "Asia?!"

Yeah! I yelled back out fixing myself.

You okay? What's going on?

Im fine Chante! I said assuring her.

Are you sure?

Yes I'm fine thanks!

Okay boo I love you okay!

I love you to, I'm okay! I wiped my face.

Okay! She said slowly before leaving out the bathroom. I opened the stall door and she was gone. I took a damp paper towel and fixed my make up from the crying dry spots.

I left the bathroom and went to my supervisors office. He was actually surprised to see me. "Yes Officer Ray?"

I need to take a leave of absence!

For what? He asked looking up from his papers.

I'm pregnant! I blurted out.

Congratulations, tell Mr. Thompson I said congratulations as well! He said smiling.

It's not his....

Ohhh....ohh I see!

Yeah I'm having a mental breakdown and I just....I just need some time off!

Okay, okay, okay! I'll put in a request right away. How much time do you need?

Just a few weeks...

Okay, we'll how about you take 6 weeks off if you need longer just email me. Whatever I can do to be a help!

Thank you! I said before getting up. I left his office and went back to mine. Police officers was going into Erin's office. My heart started pounding.

Gentlemen can I help you? My supervisor asked going to his office.

We are looking for Officer Erin Thompson we have a warrant and a search warrant! The officer said. My supervisor looked at me and I was just as confused.

A warrant for what? He asked.

Tax fraud! The officer said shoving the warrant in his hands. The officers went into the office and started going through all of Erin's things. They didn't miss not one notebook, folder or binder. They went through his computer and even took his laptop.

We have what we need thank you! The officer said as they walked out with a few things. The law was looking for Erin this was gonna open up a whole new everything! I grabbed all of my things and left out. I rushed home. I was way to overwhelmed.

When I walked in the house Carter was sitting in the kitchen on his phone. He stood up and I rushed into his arms and cried.

It's okay! It's okay! He stroked the back of my hair holding me tight as he kissed my forehead. "I got you! Take this!" He handed me the pills from earlier. "They're going to make you feel better!" He assured me. I wiped my tears and took the pills from his hands and took them. "You wasn't ready and it's okay! Just listen to me next time I'll never tell you anything wrong!"

A car just like his was in my Parking spot when I got there.....the police was in his office...

I know..

How do you know all this stuff?

I know everything Asia, I'll always know your next move before you even do it! And I sent the police there to his office. Just in case he had anything regarding us in his office. You are perfectly fine.

But they had a search warrant...

You think I don't have judges and cops on my payroll?! Don't worry about nothing yo man got everything takin care of and under control Ight?!

Thank you...

No need to thank me. Come on let's get you in bed before those pills kick in.

What do they do?

They basically turn all your emotions off! You'll go to
Sleep and when you wake up you'll feel numb. It's for about 1 day but it'll help you control your emotions Ight. He pulled the covers back and I got into bed.

Lay with me?

Of course?! He crawled into bed next to me and kissed me.

I took the leave of absence.

Good your going to need it.

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