Chapter 16

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I woke up to the phone ringing. I moved the bag of ice off my face and sat up to grab it. I got up slowly so I wouldn't wake my kids.

Hello? I answered going into the bathroom.

Yo you good what the fuck happened where you at? Hendrix asked frantically.

I don't know! I literally was woken up in the middle of the night, before as much as I could open my eyes I was being tied up, tape over my mouth, thrown on the couch and getting beat!


The girls was tied up! CJ was laying on the floor crying. Carter came in the house he shot two people that had guns to the girls head next second I'm being strangled I remember Carter getting shot than next thing you know I'm waking up and some nigga name Cen, sincer, Sin some shit says he your brother..

Wait Sincere, Sin?

Yeah he said I'lan called him and when I asked her did she, she said yeah she didn't know who else to call cause she know if she called the police everybody was going to jail and you know Carter taught her to never call them.



Let me call you back!

Wait no! Hendrix put me on, tell me what's up!

Just let me call you back sis I promise don't talk to nobody or even tell a muthafucka where you at.

Tell me what's up right now what's up! I need to know.

Long story I can explain everything in a minute just let me call you back! He said sternly before hanging up. I took a deep breath and sat my phone down. I sat on the edge of the toilet and I was in pain. A lot of swelling went down but I was bruised so badly.

I haven't known Carter to have beef with anybody in the streets right now. He would of told me if it was something I needed to be worried about.

"Send me the LO I'm on the way"

A text flashed across my screen. I unlocked my phone and went to our messages. I sent him my location and gave him the floor and room number.

I paced back and forth hoping that he could tell me some type of information when he got here. I desperately needed to know something about my husband. I just wanna know if he's a live.

Hard knocks filled the door and I ran to open it. Hendrix was standing there and I let him in frantically. "How's the girls?"

They fine, they sleep, did you have to knock so hard?

Ma bad....look I need to ask did my brother Sin say anything to you?

Not really I told you what he said that was really it. Why? You think he knows something?

I don't fuck with my brother. I'lan only called him cause she knows that he's close with her dad if she can't reach him or me she was taught that her uncle was the next candidate. BUT no one knows what's been going on. Sun been stealing from me and Carter. He don't know we know but he been shut out a lot of shit. He's stealing from us and tryna set us up for a whole lot of shit. See we ain't got no problems with nobody right now. It's niggas out here begging to work with Carter not turn on him. It's mighty funny how this nigga Sin knew yo address to even pull up when I know I'lan doesn't know it or how to send a location. It gotta be Sin!

Your own brother would kill you?

With no hesitation sis. We gotta find this nigga now cause Carter could be either dead or alive.

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