Chapter 87

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I woke up as the sun was peeking through the windows. The other side of the bed was empty and untouched like Carter never came home. The windows was wide open letting all the sunshine in. I turned my head and a huge bouquet of roses sat on the night stand. I smiled at the sight of them. I moved them out the way to only see that it was going on 9am. I was about to be late as hell to work why didn't my alarm go off. I placed my feet on the floor and didn't realize until I got up that it was a trail of rose petals on the floor leading to the bathroom.

The bathroom Mirror had "I love you beautiful" in red lipstick with a heart. I smiled hard as I turned to the bathtub candles was lit and a rose milk bath awaited for me. I was in such awe. Before I got in a notice a card.

"Waking up to you every morning is a blessing, I can't wait to do it everyday. Enjoy this bath don't worry about work cause you aren't going today or the rest of the week and the girls are taken care of.! In your closet you'll find a gift just for you!"

I got in the bath and it was still hot as ever. I was completely in love with this. I felt so at peace and relax this was the perfect way to wake up in the morning. I love that my man spoils me so much. I wouldn't even say spoil he just genuinely cares for
Me and love me. I never thought I get a man anything close to him. And it's just so crazy to me because I literally was just so judgmental of his type. I always said I'd never date anybody remotely close to his kind. Idk what it is about him though. He just made me wanna submit to him and give him my all.
He's definitely the true definition of a man.

I got out the relaxing bath and went into my closet. Two huge gift boxes from Chanel sat on my vanity along with a garment bag. There was another note attached to it.

"After you are dress go to the place we first met! There is something waiting for you at the reception desk!"

I unzipped the bag and smiled hard. It was the Milano black long shirt and army pants I wanted. I opened the Chanel boxes and it was a beautiful huge red Chanel purse and the matching beige and red sneakers. I got dress immediately. I was looking so good. I did my make up and fixed my hair.

I grabbed everything I needed and went downstairs. I grabbed my keys to leave out the house and I couldn't stop smiling. Today was going to be a great day and I don't even know what this man has planned.

I walked into the office and Chante was smiling so hard. "What?" I asked laughing.

Here you are! She smiled giving me a small gift bag and it had a note tied to it.

What is this? I asked laughing taking the note off.

I don't know! She smirked.

Yes you do!

I really don't, What it say!?

It says "Give Chante your car keys and go downstairs. Your chariot awaits you!" "And don't open this gift yet!"

She held her hand out and I took a step back. I did not want to give her my keys. "Come on!" She laughed taking them from me.

Don't crash my car now! I laughed pressing the elevator button. "What did this man have planned?" I walked outside and a all blacked out black on black Gwagon with a driver awaited me.

Ms. Ray? He smiled.


Right this way! He opened the door for me and helped me into the truck. Once he got in he handed me another gift bag. It was from the same place as the one Chante just gave me with "Do not open yet" on it.

Like seriously what does this man have planned?
The driver pulled up to the hair salon and opened the door for me. Donnie greeted me with a huge smile and D was there.

Queen Of The DonsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon