Chapter 94

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Baby what's wrong? I asked Carter as I followed behind him.

I need you to relax! Sit down! He demanded as he opened our door to our room up.

Carter let me know what's up! I folded my arms and stood in his face.

Look ima handle this don't worry about any of it okay...

Worry about what?

He took a deep breath and looked at me. Something was terribly wrong and he wasn't getting to the point quick enough for me. "Erik's car was found....that video you sent the detective was depicted and it showed you leaving with him and you coming back with me hours later. Your under investigation because you was the last person seen with him. Harmony and I'lan is in foster care because police thinks your to dangerous for a child to be around....and they got an anonymous tip that we are married. I have a warrant for my arrest because they believe I'm the killer as well as having an intimate relationship with my parole officer plus so much other shit!"

I was stuck! My mouth dropped to the floor. "My children is where?"

Ima handle everything!

I knew this would happen! I knew it! I fuckin knew it! I paced back and fourth shaking. My mind was going a million miles a second.

I just gotta find out who running they mouth! That's it that's all! Baby trust me I got this.

No! Carter! I can't my daughter is in foster care? All this happened with in 24hours? What the fuck?! I'm all she has! And poor fuckin I'lan I can only hope and pray, and pray and hope that they aren't split up. And a warrant for your a rest?! What the fuck! Another murder charge Carter you could be looking at life!

Aye look at me! (He grabbed my face to look at him and wiped the tears from my eyes.) "going to jail is the least of my fuckin worries. Your my wife now and you'll be set for life! I ment it when I said I got y'all. It's just a charge I'm sure they have nothing against me. They looking at it like we together they know what I do. His car comes up missing you the last person seen with him of course they gone think I had something to do with it especially if we showed back up coming home together. But it's okay cause I can beat this easily. The girls will be back home! Even if I had to walk some time down they will be back home .

This is too much Carter I knew it would happen I knew it!

Baby I need you to calm down Ight!

How can I be calm at a time like this? My children are in the system I'm under investigation and a warrant for your arrest? NO I can't be calm.

Your pregnant I just need you to worry about yourself and the baby please you stressing out is going to make me stress out.

Get me home please.!

I have a helicopter on its way. Finish getting your things. It's gonna fly us to the port back to the Bahamas than we'll fly home from there. Everything is gonna be okay! He kissed my forehead to reassure me. I wiped the tears from my eyes and grabbed my phone. I tried to FaceTime Harm but it kept saying unavailable. I felt like I was broken inside. I shouldn't of never did this! I put my daughter life in jeopardy.

I followed Carter to the deck where the helicopter was and he loaded our stuff up. My honeymoon was ruined ! This wasn't a great start to my marriage. I can't even think straight for a lie that I can go with for the detectives or my job..... I just need my baby girl back.

A black car showed up as we landed. Carter grabbed all the bags and put them into the car as I got in. He sped all the way home and when we got there police was at my door. He kept going frustrated. He drove until he found a nice hotel. He checked us in than stepped away to make a few phone calls. I went up to our penthouse and went straight to the bathroom. A hot shower is what I needed. I stood so long in the water trying to wash all my bad thoughts away but they and my tears just kept coming. I finally got out and dried off and lotioned my body down before putting a robe on and going into the bedroom.

You okay? Carter asked as he came into the room.

I nodded my head yeah and I know he wasn't feeling the best either. We didn't speak much on the entire trip home. "I have to step out for a bit call me if you need me Ight?!"

Okay! I nodded my head and opened my laptop. I had a bunch of emails and messages.

"We need to speak immediately!!" A message from my supervisor appeared just now. I swallowed hard. I don't know how I was going to explain my marriage, my pregnancy any damn thing!

I grabbed the hotels phone and called my supervisor. I was scared as hell but I also need to get to the bottom of what's going on.

Hello, May I speak with John! I said softly into the phone.

Hello? Asia? A frantic voice asked in the other line.

Yeah...I got your email is everything okay?

NO! ASIA WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! I have police and detectives all over these damn offices says that your married to your parolee! Carter Mitchell the notorious king pin! What the fuck Asia I done covers your ass in a lot of shit but I need the truth! To even help you out.

Look John I don't know what's going on I'm tryna figure out myself.....

Asia be real with me honestly! I'm on your side whatever I have to do to prove it I will I wanna help you. Your like a daughter to me you know that...

If I tell you...John I swear to god! I'll tell your wife about the kids and the woman and the money I'll tell her everything and you know I will!

You have my word Asia! That stays between us...

Yeah so this stays between us I need help and I don't know where to start.

The beginning!

Erik was blackmailing me!

What? Why? How? When? Why didn't you report this to me I could of gotten him out of here!

It was deeper than that. He was threatening to go to the boards. I'd lose my job and go to jail!

What did he have on you?

I was dating Carter Mitchell he hired a private investigator to follow me. He bugged my car had heard every conversation and knew all my locations....

What the fuck are you serious?


I knew that nigga was a weirdo! He was doing mad dumb shit always asking to see your logs or some shit I found that odd as hell. I hate to ask Asia....

Than dont! Cause Carter didn't kill him! Yes I was the last person seen with Erik he made me meet his mom and pick me up we got into an argument at a gas station he put me out his car and he drove off. I was stranded 3 hours away from home Carter came and picked me up and dropped me off at home that was it.

So are y'all together now?

We're married!

Seriously Asia?

I know I know I know!

Listen your secret is safe with me. This is what I know. The police wants to link you to his disappearance whatever evidence that Erik had on you and Mr. Mitchell they have it! That's why they think that he's the killer I mean let's not all play stupid the man is a King Pin we all know what he's capable of and he's on parole for murder, guns, and drugs! They are thinking you set him up and had him killed by Mr. Mitchell!

Well I can assure you John that's not what happened.... Why and how Erik disappeared I don't know! I need your help to clear my name and his.

You must really love him than....

I do!

He took a deep sigh. "Look I recommend that you resign I'll say you been quit way before a marriage or anything....go to the police to clear your name! You have your story that's the only way you can clear this! I believe you and whatever you need I'm here!"

Thanks John!

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