Chapter 96

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Asia what is your plan? D asked getting out the car after me.

I don't have one! My husband is in jail! My kids are being taken away this shit is crucial! I have to clear our names!
I opened the doors to the police station and went in with D and Donnie behind me.

Hi can I help you? An officer asked coming over to the clerk desk.

Hi I need to speak with someone!

Okay name?

Asia Ray...

Have a seat Ms.Ray someone will be out shortly. I nodded my head and took a seat by my girls. My nerves was so bad.

How you think this is going to go? Donnie asked.

I don't know... y'all I'm scared!

Ms. Raye?! A detective called my name he had an officer with him. I stood to my feet nervously giving my things to Donnie and following him to the back. They led me to an interrogation room and closed the door. I'd never in my life thought I be on this side of things.

After what seem like 20 minutes and beyond two detectives came into the room. I could tell they was doing the whole good cop bad cop thing. I put on a fake smile and sat up as they came in.

Hello Raye! I'm detective Allen and this is detective Workman. We spoke a few months do know why your here right?

I do and I'm just trying to get everything figured out.....Why my children was taken away and why I'm under investigation as well as my ex parolee has been charged with murder, and guns? This whole thing is crazy! For anyone to say my children aren't safe with me is completely insane and ridiculous.

Okay let's just cut to the chase and Mr. Mitchell have been in an intimate relationship?

Why does that matter?

You are a parole officer correct?


And it's against the law to date or have any relationships with your parolees correct?


So what are these? He dropped the pictures that Erik had given me when he was following me. The pictures of me and Carter kissing, having sex, family outings with the girls......

A relationship between me and Mr. Mitchell didn't happen until after I quit my job.

So you quit your job to date a drug dealer and murder?

Not exactly.... What do me and him dating have to do with anything?

Because we know that you lied to us!

How did I lie?

You told us a while back that Erik picked you up than dropped you back off. The original video was sent to us and that's not what happened. Erik picked you up and than your camera shows hours later that Mr. Mitchell brought you home! We know that Mr. Mitchell is a killer...Erik leaves with you and you return with Mr. Mitchell! Erik disappears and you have no idea where he is?

I didn't tell the truth because it's more to the story. Erik picked me up to meet his mom and during that time he changed the plans. He dropped her off at the airport after we was supposed to drive her home or wherever. He than told me that I was not going home, I didn't know what he ment by that. He started driving at least 3/4 hours away. He stopped to get gas and we got into a heated argument and I got out of the car and he left me. I called the one and only person I knew could help me or get me....Mr. Mitchell came and got me and that's why he shows up on my camera coming back to my house.

What was the name of the gas station?

I don't know it was a while ago! Sun city something like that I don't know.... That was the end of it! I never knew nothing about Erik being missing or anything until I showed up to work that day after my supervisor said I needed to come in! Mr. Mitchell had nothing to do with his disappearance because he was with me and I'll take full on responsibility for what's to come with that!

So your admitting that you and Mr. Mitchell have a sexual and romantic relationship.

Yess...but like I said it didn't happen until after I quit my job!


I believe your story Ms. Raye but it's still some details we are unclear about like the time frame from when Erik disappeared and you getting home.

If it took 3-4 hours to get wherever we was than another 3/4 hours to get back that's almost 6/8 hrs which would relate to my time frames of getting home from wherever the hell we was at! Now I've done told you everything I know and what happened! Any further questions I'd like a lawyer! I said with a smile saying the magic words.

Is my client under arrest? A man asked as the door swung open just as I was done talking!

Who are you? The detective asked pissed.

I'm attorney Smith and this is my client Asia Raye. I will be representing her for everything! Now if she isn't under arrest I'd like for you to let her go. My client has already told you everything she knows! So with that being said let's go Ms. Raye! He held his hand out for me and I took it. He led me out the interrogation room and down the hall and out the police station.

Hello Mrs. Mitchell! I'm Rodney Smith I'm your attorney. Mr. Mitchell hired me to represent you for anything. He knew you would need an attorney to try and clear your name. They have nothing to charge you with. Me and my team are working on getting the girls back to you. Mr. Mitchell can not be released yet. They want to connect him to the disappearance of Erik Thompson but they have no evidence and with that statement you just gave that your admitting to y'all relationship is actually saving him. They are going to make him sit because he was on parole. They are charging him with a felony to sexual contact with you. And guns and drugs in his vehicle at a traffic stop violation of his parole.

What? What if we prove that a sexual relationship between us didn't happen until after I quit my job which I just told them as well.

Well if we can verify that, than I can prove that in court get that off you and him so you won't do any time or lose your license. He hides his stuff very well in compartments in his vehicles so I know a drug and gun was not found. I have no records of them even searching the car just impounding it.

Well he trust you so I trust you. When can I see him or talk to him?

You two can't have any contact right now because of this situation. When I talk to him I will let you know.

Okay tell him I love him please.

I will Mrs. Mitchell. He loves you as well. Also here is my card if you need anything give me a call. I will be in contact with you about the kids as well.

Thank you so much!

My pleasure! He gave me the card and walked away. I turned to D and Donnie and they gave me a hug. I felt defeated what the fuck!

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