pg. 6

263 12 5

⚠ Long page ahead. Happy reading!

Dawn broke ahead across the highest peak of the mountains.

The rays of light that shined over the horizon pierced into my exhausted eyes, the sensation of being both blinded and stung washing over painfully.

Logan and I haven't slept since
leaving the bunker, over 4 hours ago.

We escaped into the night, roaring away from the bunker at full speed. Not caring to leave the bunker entrance wide open for the world to swarm into.

The soldiers that usually guarded the inside entrance were no where to be found.

We looked around bewildered that they would leave their posts so quickly. What could be more important than this entry point?

But whatever it was, Gabriella seemed to be familiar with the controls of the bunker just fine, switching knobs and pressing buttons chaotically.

The onced tightly closed thick concrete doors opened with a clamoring scraping sound, totally unlike when we first came in.

So we didn't question anything, other than getting to our goal of fleeing to the outside.

Logan's eyes are laced with red around the rims and small capillaries spread throughout the whites of her eyes, as the sunlight dimmed softly into the cabin.

She's tired and the road is a weaving mess of asphalt ahead of us. It cut across rock, running parallel on a continuous hanging cliff.

The supposed couple miles down from the bunker turned out to be at least a 200 mile trip.

Logan glued her eyes to the road religiously, knowing the unfortunate danger of making one fatal mistake that could take us all down a meters down drop to the bottom of the mountain.

Gabriella slept and so did everyone else peacefully around me.

I couldn't sleep and kept looking back just in case any one or anything was following. It felt strangely absent without any pursuers, like a horror movie where the worst hasn't happened yet.

For most of the drive Logan used our regular headlights to cut through the darkness of the night.

No moon glowed in the sky above us as we traveled, the cyclic pattern of the new moon placed in the days of of our unexpected escape.

The UV lights, installed on this truck, are really only for emergencies and can only be used for a set number of hours before either it became massively overheated or it drained the truck battery dry. Neither a good prospect if you're stuck in a fight with a Giga horde or a bigger grouping aka a gilgamesh.

Logan switched the UV lights on for a couple seconds several miles early into our trip without warning. Everyone had just fallen asleep at that point, and I was quietly looking outside when it happened.

A burst of purple light flooded the darkness, scattering animals in its wake and my sight with it.

" what the Kentucky fried chicken hell was that!?" I grumbled behind watering eyes.

" Sorry, I thought I heard some clicking...better safe than sorry you know" Logan shrugged unapologetically.

She just went on driving, as though nothing happened and I didn't just get my eyeballs burned into oblivion.

I was furious and complained about giving a warning next time at that point, there was no use in crying about spilt milk.

She only grinned saying what was the fun in that but ultimately agreed when she saw my pissed off face.

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