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For centuries, world was conquered by the noun privileged class humans. Be it typical aristocrats, the government or the royals. As the time passed, the legacies were passed generations after generations. The hunger never dies, power always craved more power.

So they followed the path to acquire it unethically if they were not gifted with it. Be merciless, Kill the powerful to become more powerful, Bribe the corrupt public officials and business leaders and that leaves a layman, who will easily be ruined under the heels of expensive shoes, if they didn't turn a blind eye to it.

A structured society of criminals called Mafia has attained high powers to dominate the world under their feet. Whereas not all has what it takes to be the ultimate Mafia boss. A Mafia is always portrayed as ruthless, callous and remorseless but their traits seems like a foul lie when they are most vulnerable but stand firm to protect the one thing they value, there Family.

Suddenly it's not about gaining or acquiring, it becomes all about giving and protecting. And sometimes circumstances being uncertain and unfortunate that only one thing that matters. Survival.

These innocent little lives were always envied or hated by commoners for being born as privileged, living in the pit of never ending wealth. But little did they know these rich kids became the scapegoats of the underworld warfare the day they were born. There lives were compromised in the hands of enemy if the head of the family were to be a laid back looser.

Nevertheless, nothing was serene for loved once of the leader of the clan and there were times when it wasn't about gaining more authority but to protect his people with the utter influence he already has in that dark world of power.

At present in Asia, The dark world of Mafia is under a whirlwind. Bloodshed between Mafia clans has become a ordinary event. People are not really shook listening to news of the dead.

Things were subtle for years in South Korea but it started again, when the Older Mafia Jeon, accorded his son Jeon Jaehan as the new Mafia boss and few days after Jaehan's beloved wife gave birth to his heir.

The boy was born with a Dark destiny and fed with a golden spoon. His fate was already decided by his ancestors and when the times comes, when he is ready, he will succeed the mafia throne that is now ruled by his father, he who will be an ultra nemesis to his foes.

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