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~2 years later~

In his slumber, a young man found himself ensnared in a vivid dream. A single, enchanting butterfly, its wings adorned with hues that mirrored a painter's palette, fluttered gracefully, weaving through the sun's golden beams.

Captivated by the beauty of this ephemeral creature, he tries to capture the elusive butterfly. With each step, the meadow seemed to stretch further, as if teasing him with the promise of a prize just beyond his grasp. His heart is racing with the anticipation of capturing something so delicate.

The young man extended his hands, and the butterfly, like a fleeting mirage, fluttered just out of reach. His dream unfolded like a poetic symphony, each attempt to clasp the delicate creature was met with a gentle evasion, the butterfly slipping away like a whisper carried by the breeze.

His yearning intensified when the butterfly soared sky high and disappeared, leaving the young man standing alone in the meadow, breathless and filled with bittersweet longing.

His eyes flutter open, Jungkook awoke with sweat all over his body, as the remnants of a vivid dream lingered in his mind. As he attempted to shake off the unexplainable emotions and disorienting haze of the dream, a sudden, resonant knock echoed through the room, reverberating like an ominous drumbeat.

He turned towards the door following the knocks. The door swung open, revealing the stoic figure of Butler Alfred, a man in his early 50s with a well-groomed demeanour, who had been a constant in Jungkook's life since he was a child.

"Young Master, you're not running a marathon in there, are you?"  Alfred's tone was dry as the Sahara with his expression unchanged, his features etched in a perpetually wry demeanour that bordered on sarcastic, when he noticed Jungkook's all sweaty bare upper body.

"I believe your slumber was as restful as a catnap on a rollercoaster?" The sarcastic quip, a signature of Alfred's peculiar humour, drew a half-smile from Jungkook when he didn't regularly. Over the years, he had grown accustomed to this unique blend of stoicism and sarcasm that only Alfred could deliver.

"What do you want, Old man?" Jungkook asked his morning voice, a seductive blend of gruff tones, adding a touch of allure to the dawn. His poker face, impenetrable as ever, conceals the myriad emotions beneath. As Butler Alfred delivers his customary sarcasm, Jungkook, unfazed, moves back to the side table, Checking his schedule for the day on his phone with a nonchalant demeanour.

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