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In the lonely graveyard, under the chilling late past midnight, The eerie silence of the night is punctuated by the mournful howls of owls, their cries echoing like the whispers of the departed souls. Amidst this, near a bonfire, a suited man sits beside the final resting place of Kim Yebin,  Soah's mother. This man, David, exudes a sombre aura, his filthy mind a tumult of dark thoughts and darker plans.

Around him, a group of subordinates stands guard, their heavy weapons a stark contrast to the silent tombs that surround them. In the shadow of a black SUV, the figure of Soah lies unconscious.

"Brother, Are you sure Kim Seokjin will get us the 100 million Won? Can't we just sell the bitch to one of the expensive brothels here and get the money." the harsh words of a younger man, Alex, David's younger brother and partner in crime. His suggestion, borne out of greed and shortsightedness, ignites a fierce reaction from David. With a swift movement, fuelled by an unspoken fear, David strikes Alex. The sound of the slap reverberates through the night.

"Because I wanna live, you bloody fool. No wonder you were a failure in business," David hisses, his words laced with a mix of anger and disbelief. His reaction reveals the gravity of their situation. David and Alex, disguised as newly hired security guards within Seokjin's household, harbour a sinister secret. They are not mere employees but local thugs from Busan City, worms wriggling their way into Seokjin's life on behalf of his enemies.

"We get the money, we will return his sister anonymously and later blame on his enemies." David clarified, making his younger brother tsk in annoyance. They found out Seokjin was hiding his sister whom he loved more than life. So, believing it to be a quick path to rich money, they audaciously planned to abduct Soah. Breaching the security was not easy but not impossible, as they knew the Security setups which worked as an advantage.

Little did they know that by choosing to target Soah, they had unwittingly sealed their fates, signing their death warrants in a game much larger and more deadly than they ever could have imagined.

Inside the black SUV, a cocoon of darkness envelops Soah, unconscious and vulnerable, she is unaware of the grave scene beyond the vehicle's confines. Yet, a primal sense of danger stirs within her, a frown that creases her brow.

Slowly, as if fighting against the weight of a nightmare, her fingers twitch and eyelids flutter, battling the lingering darkness that clings to her consciousness. With each blink, the fog of oblivion recedes, until, with a sudden rush of clarity, she remembers—the abduction, the fear, the helplessness.

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