4- Sweep and Weep em in Rows

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"You're not helping, you know?" I mutter.

"What would you have me do, your highness?" Dagon says dryly.

"We had a deal. I walked through the entire forest with you all morning just so the werewolf would catch our scent together and just so you can rub his defeat in his face. In return, you're supposed to help me find out the truth or at least help me figure out why my family's so important but all you've done since we returned is sit around doing nothing while I do the digging myself"

My heart jumps and I take a step backward when he appears in front of me.

"Now, don't think I won't kill you because we have a deal. Those books..." He motions to the books on the desk. "...they have every information you might need. I think that's enough help"

I swallow my words and turn around to continue looking through the books. Well, isn't he a jerk? Trying to go back on his word and intimidate me with his abilities...when he needs me and I don't comply, we'll know who has more control. I wish I had my paintbrush or pencil, I'd poke his eyes.

"Listen, I have this dinner with my father and he thinks my decision to bring you here was a bad one but your job is to do whatever I tell you"

"In other words, you want him to think you tamed me?"

He nods.

"Alright, I'll play nice" I mumble.

What did he think of himself? First, he wanted to rub his prize(me) in Caspian's face, now he wants to prove to his father that he defeated the werewolf and tamed the human. All this without helping me find out what happened to my parents...he doesn't know me. I'll play nice tonight.


I walk quietly behind Dagon as he leads me down the stairs to the dining room. The two guards stationed outside the room bow respectfully. In the dining room, I'm greeted by four unfamiliar faces. A vampire sitting at the head of the table, I know he is the King because of his dominant aura. The others well...

"Father, Alma, Nikola, Erix, this is the Daphne" Dagon introduces me to his family. I smile because I have to.

"Does it speak?" The only female Alma questions. It?? Is that really what I've been reduced to? An animal? I'm not the one drinking blood so the joke's on them.

The King stands up and walks toward me, I have this urge to take a step back but I remain rooted to the ground. I notice that Dagon and the others have the same confused expression I have. What is the King doing?

"You look familiar" he states. I say nothing and just stare at him. I notice that Dagon got his father's looks, his father was older but still good-looking.

"Her bloodline is quite famous, don't you think that's why you think so?" Dagon speaks.

The King then turns to look at him.

"I told you not to do this. Your impulsiveness will only attract the wrath of the wolves"

"We are the superior species, I proved that last night. Besides you have let the werewolves do whatever they pleased for far too long and I'm done playing along" Dagon states. It seemed like no other person dared to question their father's words except Dagon.

"You are not wrong but a head-on collision with them is not the answer, I've explained this to you before...but you don't listen. Well, I hope you are ready to take responsibility for this human...I know they can be quite a handful"

"I tamed her nicely"

"Without compulsion, brother?" One of the other men asks. When Dagon nods, he smiles...the kind that shows he's fascinated.

"It's a bit rude to talk about me as if I'm not present" I start. I don't miss their shocked expressions.

"It speaks" Alma mutters.

"I have a name and of course, I speak...now, Dagon, I had no idea you were a Prince and I thought people of royal blood kept their word or does that only apply to humans?"

Dagon grabs my arm violently causing me to wince a bit.

"If you utter another word I'll-"

"Kill me? You can't. You need me. You need to rub salt in Caspian's wound and you can't do that without me."

The King laughs dryly.

"She's a handful. Have fun with her, Dagon" he says before leaving.

Mission accomplished. The King openly mocked Dagon because of me. I can't deny that I'm a little restless because I don't know how he will react but I also can't deny that I'm happy I showed him that he can't disregard me so easily.

"You're right. I can't kill you but I can certainly torture you"

He grabs my arm again and the next thing I know we're in my room. Before I can recover from travelling at superhuman speed, I am shoved hard against the bed.

"You insulted me in front of everyone! You don't know me... you have no idea what I am capable of"

He runs his hands through his hair, aggressively pulling at the ends. I can see he's angry but why isn't he doing anything to me? It's not like I want him to but I expect him to. He punches the wall and growls in anger causing me to flinch.

I gasp when he suddenly stands in front of the bed. He grabs my collar and pulls me up. His eyes are black and his fangs are elongated. He looks like he is ready to rip me apart and for the first time since I got here, I hear my heart beating erratically. I feel my fingers quiver from fear, no I will not let him bite me.

"If you ever-"

He growls in pain and moves backward, trying to rub his eyes.

"I have had enough of you!" He growls eyeing the pepper spray can in my hand. He moves towards me with deathly speed and I reach for the vervain in my jacket. I hold it up in front of me and he stops.

"Vervain?! What are you exactly?!" He yells.

"I don't want to fight with you, okay? You're freaking me out with that look!" I yell.

"What look?!"

"Like you want to bite my head off"

"Well, you're giving me ideas"

"I'll put the vervain down then we'll talk, okay?" I mutter. I drop the vervain on the bed and I watch his eyes return to their former blue. Much better.


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