16- Fifty Shades Of Your Blood (2)

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Die. Die. Die. I hate Daphne. I hate humans. First, it was Kaida, and now Daphne. That Daphne had the nerve to kiss Dagon. My Dagon. No. I can't do nothing.

I hiss when the acid from the bottle burns my skin. I watch my skin heal almost instantly. It's unfortunate Daphne's skin won't heal like mine. Once I pour this acid on her face, Dagon will lose interest in her. As amazing as that is, I can't let her off the hook so easily. I need to make sure Dagon gets rid of her.

"Maya!!" I call my maid.

"Yes, miss?"

"Pour the acid on Kaida's towel and hide the bottle in Daphne's room"

"Yes ma'am" She leaves immediately with the acid. A smile appears on my lips. Kaida will die and Daphne will be blamed...of course, Dagon won't spare her. I'll be killing two birds with one stone.

"Goodbye Daphne"


"Kaida, you need to shower" I mumble. She runs further away from me. Boy, this girl is a lot. Much like Dagon. They really are a pair. I mean he was capable of driving a girl mad. I still remember how his lips felt, they were soft, experienced- yes they had to be experienced because the way those lips knocked me senseless is unfathomable, and his eyes damn- no! What am I doing?! Why am I thinking about him? I shouldn't be. Why did I even kiss him? I'm still here because I need to find my parents. Kissing him complicates things. I'm never kissing him again. No. Never.

"Daphne?" Kaida tugs at my hand, bringing me back to reality.

"Okay, munchkin, you need to shower. Where's your towel?"

"The maid put it in the bathroom earlier"

Alright. I walk into the bathroom and pick up the towel. I hand it to her. She can wash herself, I was told. I walk out of the bathroom to give her privacy.

I whimper when I feel a burning sensation in my palm. A thousand pins and needles are prickling my palms but I'm distracted by something.

Kaida's scream.

I rush towards her door, ignoring the stinging sensation in my palm when I touch the door. She's on the floor with burnt palms and hands, crying. Oh no.

"Dagon!!" I yell. Is he even home or..?

"It's okay, baby. It's okay" I whisper trying to comfort her. Dagon rushes in and scoops her up in his arms.

"It's okay, you're going to be okay" I mutter, hoping it makes her feel slightly better.

He places her on the bed and bites down on his wrist, feeding her his blood.

"You're okay...I'm here" he whispers, brushing her hair. The burn marks disappear, her skin returns to normal and she soon falls asleep in his arms.

"What happened to her?" I hear Alma say. That's when I realize Alma and Nikola are standing by the end of the bed.

"You should ask Daphne, she was the one with Kaida" Marilla mutters, showing up out of nowhere.

"I...I don't know...she was going to shower and she screamed" I mumble. The scene that played before me was disturbing. I haven't ever seen her in pain before. My eyes flicker to Dagon who's still brushing her hair. He must have been scared to see her like that.

"From the burn marks, it's obviously an acid or something," Marilla says.

What?! Acid? Shit, the towel. It makes sense.

"Who would hurt little Kaida with acid though?" Nikola questions.

"Daphne was with her so she's a suspect. Maya!! Check Daphne's room for any evidence" Marilla insinuates.

Me?? Of course, she would say that. It makes sense. Obviously, it was Marilla. She wants to frame me. This wench. She might not like me but Kaida did nothing to her.

"That's insane" Alma says.

Maya returns with a bottle of acid.

"See? I was right. Daphne is guilty"

"You found the bottle conveniently fast" Alma says to Marilla.

I'm about to speak when the pain in my palms stops me. I bite my bottom lip, staring at my burnt palm. The pain becomes unbearable and I can't stop the cry that escapes my lips.

"Your hand" Dagon speaks then. Before I know it, he's grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room but not before saying...

"Alma, watch Kaida"

I continue crying from the pain as he drags me to my room. My skin. My flesh. I cry harder. He sits me on the bed and presses a cup against my lips. I drink the content of the cup and I watch my burn marks heal. My palms return to normal. He gave me his blood.

"Thank you" I mutter. I stand up, ready to leave, and check on Kaida when he pulls me back.

"What is wrong with you?!" He yells. I almost flinch. Why is he yelling?!

"Did you suddenly go mute?! You're usually very talkative but today you were quiet while your palm was burnt!"

If this is how he cares, this is a pretty messed up way to show it.

"I was focused on Kaida's pain!" I explain.

"And what of your pain?!"

"Well, you don't need to yell" I mumble, turning to leave. He stops me.

"I yelled because I actually care. I yelled because I give a shit whether or not you're hurting" he states.


"Now, excuse me, I need to burn someone alive"

Huh?? He disappears from my sight before I know it. I rush towards Kaida's room but before I can enter, I see Dagon dragging Marilla out of Kaida's room by her hair.

"Don't look so surprised. Of course, we know she's guilty" Alma mutters.

"Next time doll, don't suffer in silence" Nikola says. I nod.


I push Marilla's head further into the fireplace.

"Dagon...please..." She manages to say.

Is she begging me to continue?

I push her head further into the fireplace. She needs to burn. Another painful scream erupts from her.

"Dagon, stop! You're hurting yourself!" Alma yells. I drown out her words. I can't stop. Not after what she did to Kaida. What she wanted me to do to Daphne.

I pull her head out from the fireplace and dig my fingers into her chest, wrapping my arms around her heart and squeezing it. She coughs out blood onto my hand. I watch her fear-filled eyes. Good. I squeeze her heart tightly and I watch her face pale...she opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I'll just give her the motivation to speak.

Grabbing a bottle of vervain from the table, I use my teeth to uncork the bottle and I pour the vervain on her skin. She screams agonizingly. Now, she's speaking.

"What's that? Oh, you want more? My pleasure" I mutter with a smile. I grab another bottle of vervain.


The Dagon and Marilla scene was Klaus-inspired. If you don't know who Klaus is, please watch "The vampire diaries" and "The Originals".

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