42- Things Go Wonderfully Right

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As soon as I leave Dagon's room, I go to my room. I need to be away from Emilia and her lies.

I sit on my bed. My heart is still racing. I hate this. She can't just say anything. Her revelation about the death of Dagon, Caspian, or I was inaccurate. How can I believe her now?

My door opens and Dagon walks in. I sigh in relief.

"Did you make her leave?" I ask expectantly. I know he did.

Why is he quiet? I stand up from the bed and meet him in the middle of the room.

"Dagon, what's wrong?" I cup his face. Why does he look dumbfounded?

"We slept together when the werewolf venom was still in your body... without protection"


"Dagon, that's because I can't get pregnant by a vampire"

Vampires can only procreate with vampires and Humans can only procreate with humans. That is a fact.

"Daphne, remember when you felt dizzy?"

Wait, what?

"And the time you slept an entire day"

It dawns on me.

Am I really pregnant? Am I going to be a mother?

"A-are we going to be parents?" I whisper. He nods, smiling softly.

He's happy.

"But... Emilia said the baby is an imbalance" I mutter.

"Love, Witches are scared of anything that proves to be extremely powerful and that's exactly what our child is going to be. The first-ever hybrid"

I still can't believe I'm having a baby. A baby is growing inside me. Since it happened in Paris, the baby is only two weeks old. So tiny. Is it going to look like me or Dagon? Or both of us?

"You good?" He questions. I nod. I'm okay. I'm okay. Our baby saved its Daddy's life before it was even born. I love it already.


I run my hands through Dagon's hair. I'm sitting on the bed and he's lying down with his head on my lap. His eyes are closed but I'm sure he's awake.

Grateful is an understatement of what I feel. Being able to be with him is a gift I'm never taking for granted. My mind drifts off to his hallucinations, they were all about his mother.


His eyes flutter open revealing his icy blue eyes. They're so pretty.

"When you hallucinated, they were always about your mother. What exactly did she do to you?"

I feel him tense. I know how uncomfortable he is with this topic but I need to know. It's the only way I can help him. He sits up on the bed.

"I hate her...but I only hate her because I love her. She was manipulative. She tried to use me to return to the palace and every time I screwed up she would starve me and when I was weak enough she'd hit me over and over again until I agreed to do whatever she said. She said my father abandoned me because he didn't want me. I didn't believe her...at least not until I came to visit my father without her permission and he treated me like I didn't exist. After that, I returned to her and did whatever she told me. I hate her for using me but at least she didn't leave me." he speaks.

I can't imagine what he must have gone through. I can't imagine the trauma as a kid. Sure, his mother was bad but it's not Dagon's fault. The King should have been Smarter.

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