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"Sawamura. Here. These are the new sign-ups we've received." Kiyoko says as Hikaru hands Daichi the applicant list.

"Thank you." He says and he looks through the application list. "Only this many? There used to be lots more in the past."

"Don't worry, Daichi! I'm sure we'll get more." Suga reassures him.

"Kiyoko-san, looking beautiful as usual." Tanaka compliments her but she just ignores him and walks away from us, leaving Hikaru alone with Tanaka, Suga, and Daichi.

"She turns me on when she ignores me," Tanaka says as he gets goosebumps all over his body.

"Maybe if you stop being a creep, she might actually talk to you." I tease him. Tanaka glared at Hikaru and was about to say something but he was interrupted by Suga.

"Hikaru, don't you need to travel to Tokyo for your piano competition today." Suga reminded her.

"Oh shit!" I say and I started panicking. "I totally forgot about it. I'll be back asap once the competition ends."

"Don't worry about it," Daichi tells her

"Good luck, Hikaru!" Suga and Tanaka tell her as they see Hikaru dashing out of school.

"I wonder how she manages to juggle between being our manager and even having time to compete in piano competitions from time to time," Suga says, while both Tanaka and Daichi just shrug their shoulders.

"She sure is impressive. She missed 1 month of school work and she still managed to score all As in her exams." Tanaka says as he wished he was as smart as Hikaru.

"I'm not sure, but you got to admire her hard work though," Daichi tells them. Soon the three of them decided to make their way to the gymnasium.


"Gosh, I can't believe this piano competition lasted longer than usual. I hope I didn't miss out on too much stuff." I thought to myself as I walked towards the gymnasium. As Hikaru walk closer to the gymnasium, she saw that Tanaka was the first one to arrive which surprised her as he usually doesn't wake up this early in the morning. "Hey, Ryu! You're here early today," I say as I walked closer to him.

"Yea, well, we have a match today and two of the 1st years are super enthusiastic about volleyball, so I got to be earlier than them." He says as he opens the door for the both of us. 

Before we could step into the gymnasium, we saw two boys charging toward the gymnasium at a very inhumane speed. They came to a halt once they have reached the entrance of the gymnasium. The guy with the orange hair is currently lying on the ground on his stomach while the guy with the black hair sat down on the ground as the both of them try to catch their breaths.

"What's the point of getting worn out before the match?" Tanaka tells them. "You'd better rest up. Hikaru let's go in. Don't worry about them." He tells Hikaru as he sees her getting worried about the two juniors.  

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