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"Hikaru senpai. How do you know Oikawa-san?" Hinata asks Hikaru.

"Well...I-i sort of dated him in middle school...." I tell them.

"Huh!" Everyone says in shock except for Kageyama.

"Erm... yeah. We dated each other in middle school, but we broke up when he went to high school." I tell them.

"Senapi, why did you guys break up?" Hinata asks her cluelessly and this causes everyone to scold him.

"Hinata you idiot, you can't anyhow ask people that. That's a sensitive question." Tanaka scolds him.

"Haha, it's fine. He decided to break up with me because he wanted to focus more on his volleyball. It was a mutual agreement." I explain to them.


Year 2 Class 5: English language

"Right, that's all for today's class. Remember, you'll be studying for your high school exams next year, so you won't get to enjoy your next summer vacation. Go out and enjoy the pool or the beach while you still can." The teacher tells the class. "Class dismissed."

Almost everyone has left the classroom except a couple of people.

"Oh, hey Oikawa-san! A girl from another school asked me for your number. Can I give it to her?" One of his friends, Naoto asks him.

"She didn't have the guts to ask me herself, so no. Turn her down for me will you." Oikawa tells his friend.

"Anyways, do you guys want to hang out today at my house?" Naoto asks them.

"Sorry, I gotta pass," Oikawa tells him as he stands up and was about to leave the classroom.

"You always pass!" Haru says.

"I'm really sorry!" Oikawa apologizes to his friends.

"We have volleyball training today," Iwaizumi tells them.

"Oikawa senpai." A voice says out of nowhere. "You dropped your phone."

"Oh, thanks." He tells her as she passed him back his phone. The girl then walked out of the classroom.

"God, Akabane sounds so gloomy. Same as always, I guess." Naoto says. "I bet she's a total otaku."

"She also has the same name as Hikaru Akabane, that famous pianist who represents Japan. A rumor has been going around at the beginning of the year that there was a girl named Hikaru Akabane. So naturally everybody thought that the famous pianist, Hikaru Akabane, was studying at our school. But, it turns out, she just has the same name as her, but she doesn't look like her at all." Haru tells them.

"Well, I don't know much about her other than she is a year younger than us. She only has English classes with us because she used to study in America apparently, so the school decided that putting her in the 1st year's class would be too easy for her, so that's why she's in our class instead. I also heard from my juniors that she's very quiet and is a loner, she tends to keep herself away from others." Naoto explains to them.

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