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During the intense match between Karasuno and Nekoma, the two teams were locked in a fierce battle on the volleyball court

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During the intense match between Karasuno and Nekoma, the two teams were locked in a fierce battle on the volleyball court. The energy was high, and both sides were giving it their all.

As the match progressed, the players could feel the exhaustion setting in. With sweat pouring down their faces, they realized it was time for a quick water break. The referees blew their whistles, signaling a pause in the game.

The players from both teams rushed to the sidelines, grabbing water bottles and taking swigs of the refreshing liquid. Some players exchanged words of encouragement, while others caught their breath, preparing for the next intense rally.

As Hikaru moved along the sideline, distributing water bottles to the Nekoma and Karasuno team members during the break, Kuroo couldn't help but steal glances at her from a distance. He had been pouring his heart and soul into the match, and as a result, he was drenched in sweat, looking rather disheveled.

 His face was flushed with exertion, and his dark hair was damp with sweat. Quickly realizing that Hikaru was approaching his team, he needed to freshen up, he reached for a nearby towel and wiped his face and neck, making sure he looked presentable.

Just as Hikaru approached him with a water bottle, Kuroo had managed to regain his composure. He accepted the bottle with a casual smile, looking much more composed than he had moments ago.  Their eyes met for a moment, and there was a silent understanding between them. Hikaru smiled before walking back to her teammates. 

The brief interaction didn't go unnoticed by some of the other Nekoma players, who couldn't help but tease Kuroo about his sudden transformation. Especially Kenma, who couldn't resist raising an eyebrow in mild disbelief. He turned to Kuroo, his voice tinged with both curiosity and a hint of sarcasm.

"Kuroo, seriously? You had to go through a whole makeover just for a water bottle?" Kenma deadpanned, his sarcasm dripping from his words. "You were practically drowning in sweat a second ago, and now you look like you just stepped out of a shampoo commercial."

Kuroo, caught off guard by Kenma's question, tried to downplay his actions with a nonchalant shrug. "Well, you know, can't let Hikaru see me all gross and sweaty, right?"

Kenma rolled his eyes before walking back to the court once the whistle blew.


It was now night and everyone was asleep. The moon cast a gentle glow over the quiet hill, Kuroo couldn't help but feel restless. Sleep continued to elude him, and he decided to take a walk to clear his mind. To his surprise, he spotted Hikaru sitting at the top of the hill, gazing up at the starry sky.

Curiosity piqued, Kuroo made his way over to her and, with a soft smile, greeted her. "Hey there, Hikaru," he said, settling down beside her. The night was cool, and the serene atmosphere seemed to envelop them.

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