Chapter 3: Eyes

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Warning: Mentions of drug abuse, physical abuse and death⚠️

Aidens Pov:

I wake up to my phone ringing, and I internally curse who ever is calling me. Despite my thoughts I answer the phone. "What the fuck do you want Reggie" I grumble unhappily.

"Woah there beck, who peed in your cereal?" God I hate when he calls me that, he gets it from my last name Becker, it's quite annoying. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that and you woke me up, of course I'm going to be pissed."

"Alright my bad man, but listen me, Ryan and Ethan we're gonna go get something to eat at that cafe downtown, wanna come hang with us?" I would usually decline his offer but there's one reason I didn't. Mia. I need to see her again, talk to her and make sure she's okay after last night.

I don't even know this girl but for some reason I'm so drawn to her, and her eyes..god her eyes are like the forest. I couldn't stop staring at them.

And after what I'm assuming is her dick of a boyfriend said to her last night. I need to talk to her. I overstepped talking to him like that but they way he was speaking to her pissed me off. It reminded me of how my parents speak to me. I couldn't just let that go.

After getting ready and texting Reggie that he needed to pick me up I headed downstairs. I knew I shouldn't have but I felt different today. As soon as I got to the last step the smell of alcohol and cigarettes filled my nose.

"Where do you think you're going?" My dad slurred. It's not even noon yet and he's already drunk off his ass, moms probably somewhere fucked up too.

"I was just going to hangout with some friends." I said not making eye contact. I knew what was coming, he does this every time.

"You didn't ask for permission now did ya son." He states, he grabs my jaw making me look up at him, "look at me when I'm talking to you brat!" He spits in my face. I just wish I could run.

"S-sorry father." Shit shit shit.
"What are you stupid? Stuttering like an idiot bitch." He laughs in my face. My chest is starting to hurt. It's been happening for a few months now. I should get it checked.

"Stop calling me that." I demand him, which probably is a bad idea but I'm sick of his bullshit. He looks at me with an evil smirk and punches me right across my cheek.

"You think you can talk to me anyway you want you bastard!" He continues to kick and punch me. I don't fight back, it won't do anything it only makes it worse.

Once he's done with my beating, I clean myself up before I leave. I walk down the road where I tell Reggie to pick me up. "Hey man." I greet as I get in the car. Reggie looks at me with wide eyes.

"Damn man, again?" He lightly says. Reggie knows what my parents do to me. He never really understood how they could do this to their own son, especially since what happened to Raya. We all thought they'd stop after Raya, but it only got worse.

Raya was my little sister, she died when she was 5 about 2 years ago. She got into my parents Xanax and ate about 12 out of the bottle. I found her on their bedroom floor, she was already gone once I got to her.

She was the only person I ever cared about, the only person I cared to take care of. I'm glad she was able to get out of the abuse though, she doesn't have to live like me anymore.

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