Chapter 26: Hospital

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Mias pov:

My heart hurts.

I can't stop thinking about him. About his every thing. I miss him. So so much.

It's only been a day since I made him leave. A day since I completely watched him shatter in front of me. I thought about texting him but I realized that'll only make things worse.

I miss his so damn much.

My phone starts ringing from my side table and I'm quick to answer it.


"Mia, I need you to come to the hospital." It's Reggie. He sounds sad.

"What? Why, what's going on?"

"It's Aiden. He's bad." My heart stops. Everything stops.

"O-okay I'm coming. I'm coming right now." My voice turns shaky. My body's feels numb.

I hang up and sprint down the stairs. I barge into Jonah's room and his head snaps towards me.

"We n-need to go to the h-hospital. Now please it's Aiden!" I tell him. Tears running down my face. He doesn't respond as he grabs his keys and we head to his car.

My mind keeps making up the worst scenarios. The worst possible things. The drive feels like hours. I start to feel panicked.

What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he doesn't have much time left and I never get to say goodbye? What the hell even happened for him to have to come here?

As soon as Jonah's car comes to a stop outside of the hospital we jump out and run inside. Rylee meets us at the entrance and I run to her.

"Where is he? What happened to him?" I'm panicking. Why isn't she saying anything? Why the fuck is she so quite?

"Mia breathe. I'm going to tell you what happened but I need you to breathe first." She guides me to take a few more breaths and starts explaining.

"Yesterday he barged into Reggies house screaming and crying because he was in pain. He was holding his chest and he could hardly breathe. He started to go in and out of consciousness. He eventually stopped screaming but he was still heaving for air. The last thing he said was your name, and then-" her voice breaks and tears fill her eyes.

"Then what? Tell me what happened" I beg her starting to cry.

"He started seizing." She whispers.

My entire world stop. I let out a loud sob and my knees buckle causing me to fall to the ground. Jonah's arms wrap around me and I bury my face in his chest, clutching his hoodie in my fists. He smooths down my hair and holds me to him.

I don't even know what to think.

This is my fault. I did this to him. I broke his heart and his already broken heart couldn't take it.

"I need to see him. Please. This is my fault! This is all my fault." I cry into Jonah's chest again.

"Mia it's not your fault. Don't say that" Rylee says softly.

I stand up and turn to her. "But it is! I broke up with him yesterday. I-I told him I didn't love him anymore and it almost killed him. He begged me" I let out more heart wrenching sobs. "He begged me not to leave him. He begged me to tell him why and I pushed him away! I made him f-fucking leave!" Jonah try's to pull me back to him but I push him away. "No! I want to see him. Take me to see him"

Rylee nods her head and grabs my hand. Once we get to his room I stand outside the door. I'm not ready but I am. I want to see him.

I walk into the room and my hand comes to cover my mouth. Cover my sobs.

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