Chapter 8: Beating

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Warning: abuse, mentions of rape, violence and blood⚠️

Mia's pov:

I wake up to someone lightly shaking me. I open my eyes and am met with my brother.

"I have to head into work, wanted to let you know in case you needed something." He says rather loudly. I just grunt and shake my head, pulling the covers back over my head. He laughs as he walks out.

I know I have to get up, Elliot will be here sometime today and I need to be ready to end things with him. I have to work in a few hours so hopefully he comes before that.

Elliot didn't come and I needed to be at work. I texted him but he never answered. So I went into work. I was silently hoping Aiden came into the cafe. But he never did. I texted him a few times apologizing for kicking him out last night but he didn't even read them. I probably ruined anything between us. He hates me now. Why wouldn't he? Elliot tells me all the time I'm a nobody who no one could ever love or care about. He's right.

The bell above the door chimes catching my attention. It's not who I want it to be.

"I thought you said you'd be at home" Elliot's annoyed voice speaks. I barely can look him in the eyes. All I can think about when I see him is what he did to me.

"Well I thought you were going to be stopping by earlier, I didn't know it would be this late in the day." I explain softly so I don't piss him off.

"Well tell whoever's In charge you're leaving, we're going to my house." He demands. My chest sparks with fear of what could happens when we're alone. But I don't argue. I listen. I tell Julia I had an emergency and needed to leave. She didn't mind and told me she hopes everything's okay.

I hope it will be. But I know deep down he's not going to let me leave him.

We pull up to Elliots house and go inside. I sit on the couch and prepare myself for what Im about to do.

"Elliot, we need to talk about something" I say to get his attention. I'm never usually like this with him so he's surprised. He doesn't show it for long.

"What" he say blankly.

"I think maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore" it all comes out fast, I'm terrified of what his reaction is going to be. Elliot turns to look at me with the darkest glare iv ever seen on him.

"Excuse me?" He growls out. My breathing increases. "What the fuck did you just say?" He steps closer making me stand up and back into the wall.

"I j-just think it's for the better Elliot" I say quietly. He doesn't even give me time to say anything else before he's grabbing me and slamming me into the wall, making me scream out in pain. Pain spreads all down my back.

"What's this about? Huh? Is it that dushbag I caught you with? You've always been a whore Mia but this is a whole nother level! You're not leaving me!" He yells in my face, grabbing my hair and throwing me on the floor.

"Stop calling me that!" I scream at him, I know I shouldn't have but I'm tired of him treating me however he likes. Elliot bends down, grabs my hoodie and punches me in the face. I yell out in pain and try to get away.

"So you got guts now huh? Thinking you can talk to me anyway you want!" He kicks me me in my stomach. "We're not done Mia, we're not done until I say we're done." I shouldn't have tried to end things with him. I knew this was the outcome.

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