Chapter 42: Wake up

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Warning:mature content

Mias pov:

1 week later

I lay next to Aiden on the hospital bed, crying on his gown. It's been a whole week and nothing. No new heart. No waking up. Not even something as simple as a twitch in his finger. He's just unmoving.

The doctors say he's as the top of the transplant list, we just have to wait until a match comes in.

Iv been here everyday, waiting for something. For anything.

Rylee and Reggie have come pretty much everyday too. They've been forcing me to go home and shower and eat. The house feels so lonely, Jonah is on a work trip but he's been calling to see if anything has changed.

I got a check up a few days ago, to see how the baby is doing and it didn't feel right, not having him next to me to hear all the great things I heard about our baby.

It was hard to sleep when all I could think about was him going back to the bridge but it's really hard to sleep when I know he may not wake up. Because of the baby I do force my self to get some sleep but when I'm not next to him it's difficult, so I sleep here in this bed with him, with my hand over his heart. Im scared I'll wake up and it won't be beating anymore. That he'll be gone.

"Please wake up my love, we need you. I need you." I quietly sob into his hospital gown.

Stupidly I hope to hear his voice. But nothing.


I just need to hear his voice. One more time please.

He's so pale. It breaks my heart, his body looks so fragile.

He's my whole world. Please wake up my love.
It's been a few hours of me just lying here, crying.

I lace my hand in his and run my thumb across his knuckles. That's when it happens.

His fingers twitch in my hand. My head shoots up and I watch his face. Wake up please.

His eyes flutter under his eyelids and my heart rate picks up.

"Come on, open your eyes baby" I whisper, stroking my thumb on his cheek. His eyes slowly peel open and blink a few times before looking to me.

When our eyes connect his heart beat on the monitor picks up and he lets out a breath. I let out a choked sob and a tear slides down the side of his face.

"I'm so sorry" his voice comes out hoarse and broken. I shake my head and softly connect our lips. He kisses me back instantly, so slowly.

My body lights up and the feel of his lips on mine, shocks running down my spine.

We break apart when the door opens and our two wonderful friends walk in.

They see Aidens opened eyes and they both smile. They rush towards us and start to throw questions at him.

The doctor comes in a little while later and checks some things, he takes Aiden off the monitors and says he'll be back later for more testing.

We sit and talk about how he's feeling, how we're all feeling.

After awhile Aiden complains about being hungry. Reggie and Ryle offer to go down to the cafeteria to get him something.

Once they leave Aiden immediately pulls me to lay next to him. One of his hands wrap around my backside as he turns to lay on his side, facing me. His other hand comes to rest on my stomach and slowly trail up and down.

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