Chapter 2- The Run

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We started to walk down the street,until we saw Roger,one of the neighbors that just loves minding our business. We hide behind the bushes,the street lights are so bright and if he sees us,we are doomed. So instead we walk back to go to the shop that is 4 streets up from our house.

As we walking,Ella starts talking. Once she starts she never stops. "Why did I agree to come again?",I ask,rolling my eyes,even though she can't see me cause it's dark. "Because you love me",she says,dragging the letters. I roll my eyes and we continue walking,while she talks my ears off.

She starts cracking her silly jokes and without realizing I lose my concentration on which street to turn into. About 6 streets up,I realize we are officially lost. "Can't you ever shut up?",I blurt out,while trying to get the GPS on my phone,we just moved here about 3 months ago and I haven't gotten used to any of the streets. "What do you mean,you should have focused on the streets either way, I thought you can multi task",she starts mocking me. We end up having our normal arguments,until I scream, "enough" and I'm pretty sure I saw about 2 house lights come on.

"Let's go down this street and see from there",I suggest in order to end the argument and get home. "Fine",she agrees. We start walking as I start to look around and see the street being darker than the others and sketchy,we probably in the middle of the street when I start to freak out. "Let's go back and go back home,this doesn't feel right",Ella seems annoyed at me but she says whatever and we begin walking back.

"HELP!,IM SORRY,IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN",we hear a man screaming in a dark alley. Ella seems intrigued,"whose that? Let's go see",she blurts out and runs off before I can even say anything. I run behind her,trying not to scream so no one hears us. She stops and crouches down behind a big dustbin.

There stood 4 men. 1 on the floor,pleading,probably the man we heard,the man in the middle has a gun pointing to his head,all I'm able to see is the gun and the man wearing a black suit,one man was behind the man on the floor holding him so he doesn't run away and the other man is standing on the left looking at the man on the floor with anger. If it wasn't so dark,I would be able to see them.

I nudge Ella,"Let's go,this isn't right,we going to get in trouble",I whisper. Ella nods and she starts sneaking away. I get up to go behind her,when my phone starts ringing. It's aunt Nastaha. I try to shut it off,but with the fear of getting caught,I can't. Eventually it goes off.

I hear the man with the gun say to the man on his left to go and see who it is and kill them as they don't want any witnesses. I begin to run,only to trip on what seemed like bricks and hit my head on the wall. My last thought before going unconscious is,"I hope Ella is safe."

So? Any thoughts? Who are these men? Is Sophia going to die? Is Ella safe?

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