Chapter 29- Wander

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After putting Ella to bed,I go to my room. I hear a knock. "Come in", I shout confused as who it is so late. Aunt Natasha walks in.

Why is she here? For more information or because she just wanted too? "Aunt Natasha",I say hoping it came out cheerfully as I hoped.

"Sophia,how are you?",she asks sitting on the bed beside me. "I'm okay just tired and you?",I ask. "I'm fine,I came to see if you were okay as I didn't see you for a few days now",she says patting my hand. "Oh yes,how was the meeting?",I ask remembering she went out for work. Was it work though or something else? My mind wanders off.

"You know exhausting,work always does that",she says. "I miss you so I came to see you. I noticed Ella is already asleep",she says concerned. "Yes she was tired",I say. "I know you girls are going through a lot,but if there's anything you need,I'm right here",she says.

"Thank you Aunt Natasha. Okay,I'm off to sleep. Sleep well Sop",she says kissing my forehead. She leaves and my mind wanders off. How can we suspect her? She's my aunt,she was always there when we needed her. So why or how? I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the opening of the door.

Damon comes on the bed and sits next to me. "Whats wrong?",he asks. "I don't think she did it",I say lost in thought. He looks at me waiting for me to continue. "She's my aunt,she's been there when everyone left. She looked after us. She wouldn't hurt me or Ella." I explain. "I know Sophia,but we are not saying,she's behind it,she is just one of the suspects",he says trying to comfort me.

"One of the suspects? Who else is included?", I ask. "I suspect a few guys at the base and also we never actually found who gave the information,when we tried attacking Xavier,one year ago",he explains.

"I don't know Damon. First I find out my parents are alive then my dad shoots me with no remorse,then now my aunt maybe the one is giving information to our enemy.",I say defeated.

"I know,I'm sorry that this is happening",he says hugging me. We stay like that while we fall asleep as the events of recently still runs at the back of my head.

So is she or isn't she?? What is going on? And what is the plan?

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