Chapter 39- Money

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J wake up and my mind drifts to yesterday's events. "I know what you thinking",I hear Damon next to me. "What do we do now?",I ask. "I want to deal with Xavier but it's your call on what to do with Natasha",he says.

"I don't know Damon. She's still my aunt that looked after Ella and me. But she betrayed us....I want to talk to her first",I say. "Anything for you",he says kissing my forehead.

After another heated moment in the shower with Damon and me,we make our way downstairs. Everyone is already up. Right now everything is just the way I dreamt it to be."

We leave for the base. Throughout the drive,I wonder what am I going to do? But she betrayed us. Yes she was there when my parents weren't but that doesn't mean that she isn't wrong. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel a hand on my thigh. "I'm going to be there right with you",Damon says.

We reach the base and walk pass the cells. It's full of Xavier's men. At the end of the long walk through cells are Natasha and Xavier,opposite each other with the one way glass doors.

Outside Xavier's cell stand,4 guards. They all greet us. "Open her cell",Damon commands. How does everyone fear him but I don't,I love this fierce side to him. We enter the cell and there she is. My aunt,tied to a chair in the middle of the room. Chains and handles cover the wall behind her and a table lays in the corner of the room with torture equipment.

I sigh. Damon,my parents,Matteo,Dante, Mason and I all stand in front of her. Damon signals Dante to wake her up. She gains consciousness. She blinks a few times to try and figure out where she is. Her eyes lock with my father.

She puts her head down. "Just shoot me",she mumbles. "That's too easy for the betrayal you gave us",my dad spits out. "Why,Natasha,you were family.",my mom says defeatly yet with anger. She shoots her head up. As if those words triggered her. "Family,Oliva? Then why didn't Roberto give me my share,why did he take my share of the property when mom and dad died and give to me? He kept it,repeatedly saying I'm irresponsible!",she shouts.

"You did that because of money? Because I wouldn't release your shares? I always planned on giving it to you. I was looking out for you,I never wanted for you to take it and waste it all on stupid decisions",my father shouts angrily. "I'm sure,I did want what I had to get what I wanted but your stupid damn will was in place,that everything was between Ella and Sophia and my share will only be released to me once you are dead. So I joined forces with Xavier and sold you'll out.",she screams at my father.

My temper reaches sky-high. "So you did all this for money,you wanted my parents dead! When you found out about Damon and I,you wanted to get rid of him too! For what???!",I scream. "Xavier offered me a deal that if I give enough information for him to reach Damon so he can kill him. When he takes over the Italian Mafia,he would make me his queen. So I gave him what he wanted",she says as it's a normal thing.

My heart drops. My aunt,that I cherished and supported was behind my biggest heartbreaks. Everyone goes quiet. Trying to process the new information given. I compose myself and turn to Damon. "You said whatever I want,I get right?",I say more than a statement than a question. He nods. "Anything for my love",he says.

"Kill her",I say,locking my eyes with his.

Well damn okay!!! Thoughts on Sophia's statement to Damon. Also thoughts on Natasha's reasoning??

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