Chapter 36- Bury

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I lay on the bed looking at his side. Its been 1 week now and everyday,every minute,I miss him. I never had many moments alone,to think about him but today is different. His gone and there's nothing I could have done. If I only knew about Natasha earlier maybe I could have stopped it. I break down and eventually fall asleep.

I wake up and I smell Damon. Then again,since he dead,I have been feeling like his here every morning. I open my eyes and there's no one. I'm imagining like usual. But right now I can't get distracted,I can get grief later,I need to take revenge right now for Damon, for the Mafia, for myself.

I get ready and go down. Today is the day,we bury him and get revenge. I dress up in a black dress with heels. I have my gun strapped to my leg. I do my hair up in a bun and leave a few loose strands out.

Before leaving,I call a meeting with,Mason Alesandro,Dante and Matteo. I enter the office and they all waiting for me. "We have been planning and waiting for today,one little slip and we will be dead,nothing should go wrong today", I say.

"Sophia,we got this,nothing will go wrong. We got all the information we needed. The amount of men,their weapons,their positions,everything", Dante reassures me.

"Okay,let's go. After the funeral,I have arranged for Ella to go to the base. I didn't tell her why. Alesandro,you will go with her and keep her save. You pledged your life to Damon then to me and now its my sister",I say.

"Yes,as you command",he says. "Okay let's go", Mason says. We all walk out. Since Dante and I are last,he whispers,"can we talk?". I nod. Everyone leaves except us. "Sophia I know you have been handling everything and I just wanted you to know that Damon is proud of you and he loves you",he says. "I'm doing this for him,today is the last day and I'll be giving you the Mafia to handle",I tell him. His about to say something and I put my hand up to stop him. "We need to go,Dante",I say and walk out with his footsteps behind me.

Time Skip

We arrive at the burial. I requested for the body to be covered completely as I can't see his face. I can't see him like this. I watch my surroundings and I notice couple of Xavier's men,exactly where I was told they would be. "Stay close,Sophia",Dante whispers. I nod. We say our goodbyes,bury him and after a few hours of associating with people,they begin to leave. "El,you need to go now",I say by pulling her aside. She nods. I look at Alesandro and he nods,taking Ella out.

"Sophia,I need to talk to you about something?",aunt Natasha says. "Okay?",I ask confused. "Not here,somewhere alone",she says. "Aunt Natasha it needs to wait,I need to see the rest",I say and walk away before she can say anything. Almost felt as if she was trying to stop me or take me away. She never does this. I shake the thoughts off me and focus on what is about to happen.

The funeral took a whole day,its almost 7 when we about to leave. Mafia customs are pretty long. I look back to where his coffin was,nothing can fill the void I'm feeling and no one will ever take his place in my life."Let's go", Mason says. We all follow him.  People burge into the hall. Just as it suppose to happen. Xavier comes out after all his men surround us. "Well,look who we have here,it's a pity you'll have to go out the day you buried your beloved Damon",Xavier chuckles.

"Can I let you'll in on a little secret? All this was planned,it was never just a coincidence. It's time you'll knew who was behind all this,right Natasha. We all turn to look at her and she smiles. She walks up to Xavier and stands beside him. "Sorry but I had too",she says with a smirk. "What do you mean you had too?",I ask. "I wanted the money. Your father never wanted to give me my share of anything,he always said I was too irresponsible and could never ever handle anything. He was always the favorite one. I was neglected. When he took his share,he took mine as well. He said he will keep it until I become responsible so,I planned his murder but of course he didn't die",she explains.

Wait she was behind that? "You told Xavier about the ambush we planned a year ago?", Mason asks angrily. "Yes",she simply says. "But of course when I shot them,they didn't really die. After you'll left,I came back. They were barely alive and that's when I had a plan,to use them against you. I brainwashed them against you and made it see like it was you who wanted them dead,Mason.",Xavier explains.

"They proved their loyalty when they shot their own daughter",he continues. My eyes start to tear up. "But that doesn't matter,you'll are going to die now",he says and steps back.

Before his men can shoot,our men positioned are signaled by Dante and they open fire. Everyone spilts ways. Majority of Xavier's men are dead. In a blink of an eye,I feel a gun behind me,I turn and it's Natasha. "Don't move or I will shoot",she says taking my gun and throwing it across the room. I see an opening to hit the gun out of her hand but before I can do anything,she's punched in the face and falls onto the floor. I turn. "Mom",I look her confused.

"Take cover",a voice screams. It can't be,I'm imagining. I bend down to take cover and when I turn around to see who it is. "Damon",I say with eyes tearing up and him looking at me smirking.

Okay wait?? His alive? Is this an imagination?!!! Thoughts?? Longest chapter I have wrote thus far.

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