Chapter 43- Threat

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After getting Antonio and myself ready,we head out. I noticed there was,2 cars in front of us and 2 behind. While ours was in the middle. This is so unnecessary. "Alesandro,call off the security right now!",I command. "I can't do that Queen,or King will have my head,he came me strict orders,that I should listen to everything you say,except when you try to overrade his orders",Alesandro says hesitantly.

"I get it,but we have 4 cars full of assassins and bodyguards,isn't that too much?!",I state rather question. "King's orders",Alesandro says. I sit back and lay against the seat looking at Antonio fast asleep. We could have lost him that day. That day, 2 months ago...if Damon didn't get to me in time,we would have lost the greatest part of our lives...

2 months ago

"Damon, come on,we leaving",I screamed from downstairs. He came down looking puzzled. "What?",i demanded knowing he has to come late because of work."So,there's been a problem witj the shipment. We had shipments coming in and we only recieved too. We tracked down where it is but we not sure of who is behind it but I need to go too. It will only take a few hours and I promise we will have a normal long weekend. "Damon,you always do this. Why can't Dante and Matteo go?! They in charge for a reason!",I say. "Baby,I know but this has been going on for a while,so that's why I need to go too",he explains. "Fine,but if you not back by dinner,don't bother coming home",I practically shout.

"Dadda",Antonio puts out his arms for his father. "I know,mummy can be scary,that's why we love her",he chuckles. "Little man,I'll be a while,but look after her for us",he says kissing his forehead. Antonio goes on his in baby babbling and Damon pretends to understand. After handing Antonio to me,he instructs Alesandro to come with us. "See you later baby",he says and walks out with his men following him. I just had to go and marry the King,I think to myself. We reach my parents mansion.

I greet my parents and after a few minutes of talking and laughing. Ella takes Antonio to put him down for his nap while my mum and I disappear to cook and Mason and dad go off to talk. I glance at the time and it's 18:50,Damon has an hour. "Mom,I'll go and check up on Antonio,I'll be back",I say. "Okay,sweetheart.",my mom replies. I come out of the kitchen and see Ella and Antonio playing in the living room. I'm about to go back when I hear gunshots from outside. People start barging into the house.

Alesandro comes in shooting with our men. I ran to Antonio. Well Dad and Mason come in shooting. "Take Ella and Antonio and go to the safe room",my mom screams. I turn around and see we out numbered. "Get the boy",I hear one of the men saying. No one touches my son. I remember that we always keep weapons under the furniture. I hand Antonio to Ella and tell her to go. I take out the gun and cover them.

A bullet hits my arm causing me to drop the gun and within seconds on the men are holding Antonio. "Anyone moves and he dies",the man says. "Let him go",I plead. "Ah,Sophia,not so tough anymore huh",the man says. There's something familiar about his voice. But due to the fact that they all masked doesn't help. Ella is knocked unconscious. Mom,Dad and Mason have surrendered. Antonio is crying furiously. "Shut up,you little twat",the man shouts at Antonio causing him to keep quiet.

The man keeps talking to Antonio while I signal Alesandro to call Damon. After what feels like ages of this man threatening my family. I speak up. "What do you want?",I ask. "Sophia,you and your family did a big mistake and now you'll will pay for it. A life for a life",he says. "No",I scream. My mind is mixed up. I can't make a move and if I don't,Antonio is going to die. I can't lost my boy,I think. Before I can think of a proper plan,a bullet goes straight for the mans shoulder,causing his to drop Antonio.

I run and catch him just in time. "I got you baby,I got you",I try to reassure him but it's more for myself than him. Damon and his men come on shooting and killing the men. When I look for the man,his gone. He got away!! Damon kneels down by Antonio and I. "I'm sorry,the shipment was a trap. I'm sorry. I'm here.",he says with worry. I hug him and cry into his chest while,he hold us....


I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Alesandro. "We here,Queen",he says. I compose myself,pick up Antonio before I head into the office of the birthday planner for our little boy.

Okayyy?? Soo thoughts?? Whose these people? What do they want??

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