Chapter 9 (Modified)

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This Chapter is Modified fyi. (Also fuck I lost all my progress because of a forced fucking windows update I'm really mad.)

Sudou's Pov

Every once in a while I think back about my early years in high school. Times were simpler and there was not much of a problem, even if there was we would somehow emerge victorious. It was like I was on Cloud9. 

With those two in the lead I would've thought we would surely take the top spot. We've had our highs and lows but in the end it was still a fun first few years until....


3rd Person Pov

"Hey, I don't really understood what happened but we did win right? more so with extra points! GYAHAHAHAHA, We'll climb to the top in no time!" a certain monkey from Class D exlaimed with an unfiltered boisterous laughter...

"Extra? More like almost double our starting points! All that hard work was really something" another one exclaimed that seemed to be from the same cloth.

"Indeed, I didn't expect Sudou-dono to hide such power! It feels like we're in our redemption arc! Although it felt a little bit early for that to occur..." The professor said in a voice that was slowly turning into a whisper.

"Speaking of Sudou...did he really just hide this side of him?" Hondou said in a quite distant tone.

The 4 boys then went on in silence as they were looking at their once rowdy friend turned into someone whom they can barely reach now.


The Collective Effort of Class D bore fruit.

Ryuuen just left the seen and headed towards the ship not looking surprised at all while Katsuragi looked shock but later regained his cool and just silently went to the ship.

Everyone but the Class D were headed to the ship first but...

"Congratulations Class D"

Kanzaki greeted the leading figures of Class D with Ichinose just lagging behind him.

"It was quite the play."

Ichinose was a little fidgety while Kanzaki was greeting them.

"Oh...uh yeah.. it's a joint effort." Sudou who wasn't sure how to respond was taken off-guard by his sudden approach.

"Ahahaha... yeah we couldn't get close or any leads at all on who your leader could be..." Ichinose who tried to contribute to the conversation smiled wryly.

"And to guess our leader to booth, I'm curious what did you guys do to figure it out. I'm pretty sure I kicked out that C Class Student out of the picture..." He said in a curious tone while saying the last sentence in a whisper.

"Yeah, I wonder too"

"I would like to know as well" Horikita said while resting her chin in her hands.

"Ehh? it wasn't your wor-

"Oh it seems like our Class B is waiting for us Ichinose let's get going now"

"Ahaha... that's quite an unusual scene wasn't it?" Hirata said trying to process what happened.

The other three nodded in response.


The entirety of the 1st Years have now retired in the ship seemingly enjoying their vacation- is what an outsider would think. 

As the sun begins to set the tensions between Classes are high and has yet to be settled, and amidst of all of these seriousness Class D were the center of attention.

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